7. Kidnapped?

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Sebastian's POV

I woke up and thought I was next to Aystine but I was next to my ex-girlfriend I got out of bed and put on my clothes and headed outside and found Cadence in the front of the house I got in the car and it drove off minutes later we arrived at the house I ran inside to find Aystine but I couldn't find her anywhere. She could be going for a walk or something. Five hours later my phone buzzes next to me it was Aystine.

IMessage private1

Boo boo
Please help me!

What's the matter babe, where r u ?

Boo boo
I can't talk just find me I know you can.

I love you hold on to that.

Boo boo 
I will I love you so much Seb.

iMessage private2

Hey it's Sebastian.

Hey sea bass, what's up?

I think Noel's been kidnapped.

What!! Not again.

What do you mean again.

She got kidnapped before.

I know where she is she's in an abandoned loft. 32th Blackbear street North you know what I'll send it to you instead.

Okay got it I know where that is I'll get her back.

Aystine's POV

I was being tortured by the same guys that kidnapped me last time, how did they find me? I woke up in a dark room with one light pointed at me. I looked around the place and I saw needles near me. I see like five needles, I see someone come in the room they sat in the chair right next to me. They inject me with the substance that was on the table. Three of the needles was used on me pain hit me straight to my head then through to my entire body enfolding me in a trance of some-sort.

"What did you give me?" I said

"Pure adrenaline, nah I'm kidding it's a serum with a little adrenaline just so you won't sleep while we ask you questions." The guy said

"Can I have your name at least?" I said

"It's Chase, you?" He said

"Noel Aystine Evans, I prefer to be called Aystine." I said

"Is your brother Chris?" He asked uncuffing me from the chair

"Yes, yes he is." I said

"Can you please take your shirt off and bra?" He said stroking my cheek

"Sure." I said taking it off

He had a razor in his hand and he cutted my arm until I was bleeding and he went down my arm and I didn't feel it I can't feel the pain. It felt good, a girl with a whip came in and gave it to him.

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