22. Ending life?

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Sebastian's/Bucky's POV

While we are still in the marvel universe we had to find Lizzy fast before anyone else does. As me and Noel slept, she moved slowly in my arms she laced her hand within mine while her other hand was playing with my chest hair and slowly stroking my hair. I slowly stirred from the night before. Then it all started again the nightmares and I couldn't get a hold of my true self but the old me. Noel tried to wake me up, she called Steve and he came in running and saw that I was having a nightmare.

"Leave and get some water please thanks." He said to Noel

"Bucky you have to push them out they're not here to punish you just push and you'll find happiness." He whispered in my ear

I woke up with a gasp and saw that I had my metal arm. I choked Steve and Noel came in.

"No stay right there." He said through gasps

I looked at Noel and released him and went out of the room and went to the roof.

"Are you okay sir, do you want me to contact stark?" The A.I said

"No that's not necessary I just need some air." I said to Friday

"Oh yeah tell Noel I'm sorry." I said

"As you wish sir." Friday said

I felt free up here and I could see everything see everyone. All of a sudden a figure blocked the sun and had wings.

"Bucky it's Noel do you remember me?" She said

"How could I not forget you." I said in Russian

"What is that Russian." She said in english

"Yes it is." I said in Russian

"I know a few words but not a lot." She said in Romanian

"Wait you know Romanian?" I said in english

"You are Romanian and Russian so yeah I know you told me winter." She said

"Please don't call me that!" I yelled at her

"Oh sorry I have to go Tony is calling me." She said

"Bye." I said

I went into the tower and went to my room and got dressed for training I put my hair in a ponytail. Natalie was trading me today. Which is okay I keep ending up between her legs. Which is a major turn on to Seb but to Bucky it isn't.

"Keep you're arms up Buck like we practiced." Nat said

I nodded my head and hit her stomach. She grunted in pain and hit my jaw which did nothing to me. It went on and on from there Noel came in she seperated us from more injuries. I hit her in the face, she stumbled back to compose herself after she did her lip was bleeding.

"Okay that's it." She said hitting me in the face

She fought me until I was on the ground in tangled with her legs between my head. She wouldn't stop until I said uncle.

"Okay Noel that's enough he's had enough." Nat said trying to get her up off of me

She shoved her off until I said uncle. She got up and left to see Dr Banner to fix her lip.

"Get him up may I can't do it." She said walking away

"Okay." Nat said

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