The Boys as Father's & reaction to you being pregnant - Headcanons -

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Reaction to you being pregnant:

- His initial reaction would be shock. His eyes will widen and his mouth would hang open slightly at the news. Would probably gasp and suck in a deep breath.

- He'd ask you to repeat what you just said in case he was just hearing things.He'd think you're playing a trick on him. Like, are you being serious right now?But he soon realises you're being serious.

- A part of him would be really nervous/anxious about being a father but another part of him would also be excited.

- He would be silent for a while, mulling the news over and over in his mind, staring at anything but your face for a moment. His shock and silence would turn into delight, though, a genuine smile gracing his lips.

- He'd whisper under his breathe "I'm going to be a daddy?" as a question then would repeat but this time happily.

What kind of father he would be:

- Much like his personality, I'd say he'd be a pretty chill and laid back kind of dad.He would be a nervous dad at first. He's never really saw himself as being a father but would try his damn hardest.

- He can be a bad influence on the kids in terms of eating habits. Like you'll be trying to get your kid to eat their veggies but they'd refuse because they've seen Noctis not eat them. You'd glare at the Prince and he'd offer you a sheepish smile in return.

- The type of dad that would not really spoil his kids but make sure that they're satisfied with what they have and often buys expensive birthday gifts because he can. Ok, maybe he loves to spoil them a little bit ^^

- Loves ruffling his kid's hair.

- He'd have really strong bonds with his children. And his sassy attitude would rub off onto them as they grow.

- The kids would often go to Noct instead of you if they wanted something because Noctis has a real soft spot for the kids puppy dog eyes.


Reaction to you being pregnant:

- Prompto would be a beaming ball of joy and sunshine when you tell him that you're pregnant.

- He'd bring you in for a short yet passionate kiss and twirl your around while chanting and cheering "I'm gonna be a daddy!"

- He'd be the happiest man in the world

- His smile would never leave his face and will shower you with hugs and kisses.

- Maybe shed a few tears??

- While for the most part he'd be happy and excited, a small part of him would be nervous if not a little anxious because he's an only child so he had no idea how to deal with children but make sure that he was the best dad there ever was.

What kind of father he would be:

- Prompto would be a hella fun and playful type of dad. One would think he was a kid himself by the way he mucks around with the kids.

- He'd come up with all sorts of fun games to play with his kids.

- And imagine sending both Prompto and the kids in the naughty corner when something breaks or when things get to rowdy XD

- He'd loves to dance to music and play video games with his kids and just doing silly things to make them laugh and smile.

- He'd be the type of dad to fall asleep on the couch with the kids when they're all tuckered out from the fun n games.

- Doesn't really punish his kids. In fact, you're the one who serves out time-outs/punishment and a lot of the time, Prompto is getting punished along with the kids tbh.

- If his daughters wanted him to dress up and play tea parties, he will dress up and play tea parties!!! XD (BONUS: You have many photos and videos on your phone of Prompto in a frilly pink dress with pink lipstick sipping from a small plastic tea cup).


Reaction to you being pregnant:

- Would be smirking and grinning like no tomorrow when you announce that you're pregnant.

- He would literally lift you up and spin you around all the while laughing loudly in joy

He would just hold you close in his arms openly expressing his delight verbally and physically

- At first, he'd probably be taken back. Blinking blankly at you and processing the info you just told him. But it wouldn't be long before his delight and happiness took over.

- He would rub and gently kiss your tummy.

What kind of father he would be:

- He'd be one badass dad. The kind of dad that everybody thinks is cool and awesome.

- He's a gentle giant. While he may look big and intimidating, he's really a big softie who gets along well with kids. His kids would look up to him a lot.

- Ok but imagine Gladio having little wrestling matches with his kids and feigning to be hurt when his kids tackle him.

- He'd love to give his kids piggybacks and carry them on his shoulders while running around in the backyard.

- He's extremely gentle with the children when they're at such a young age.

- Also doesn't really punish his kids. Just one stare is enough to make them behave.


Reaction to you being pregnant:

- You'd get no response from him at first. There would be silence which in turn makes you feel as if he's angry at you. Those thoughts would quickly be dispelled when you see a small genuine smile.

- He'd be very calm and collected on the outside but on the inside, he's overjoyed.

- He'd give you a long and meaningful embrace, whispering how happy he is.

- He may not outwardly show how happy he is in terms of facial expression but you can hear the happiness in his voice and in his eyes which are glowing with admiration.

- He'll probably very gently rub your stomach in soothing circular motions.

What kind of father would he be:

- He'd be the more strict(er) dad out of the chocobros. He'll raise his kids so that they are well mannered, polite and teach them good morals and ethic and would also be very doting.

- He'd probably read his kids stories before they go to bed.

- He wants his kids to grow up healthy, so he likes to keep their diet balanced. Daddy Ignis is the one who cooks dinner most nights.

- Basically an expert at being a parent after all the books and articles he's read.

- Ignis deals with the homework.

- Surprisingly good when it comes to handling babies and little children. He'll gently rock the baby in his arms and coo faintly, humming cute little tunes to help them fall asleep.

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