Fluffy dating Gladio - headcanons -

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- Getting Gladio to give you piggyback rides

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- Getting Gladio to give you piggyback rides

- Giant bear hugs!!! ( ' ▽ ' )ノ

- Gladio picking you up in his arms and twirling you around in said bear hugs.

- Imagine being his childhood sweetheart and still being together as adults.

- Sitting on his back when he does (normal) push-ups or lying underneath him and him giving you a kiss every time he bends down.

- Dirty pick up lines

- Him playing and holding your hands and loving how small they are compared to his yet they fit into his perfectly like matching puzzle pieces.

- Being able to easily sit on his shoulders and him placing kisses to your thighs when you do so.

- Gladio lifting you up by the waist so you can reach and/or see things better.

- Imagine trying to tackle Gladio in a hug but he's too big and strong so it doesn't work

- Doesn't get jealous easily but when he does, the guys hitting on you better run fast because he's out for their blood. It will be up to you to calm him down.

- Having to go on your tiptoes whenever you want to kiss him

- Or him having to bend down/pick you up to kiss you

- Imagine him walking around the house shirtless (without his jacket) and still blushing every time you see him despite you thinking that you should be used to it by now.

- Sleeping on top of him with his arms wrapped snugly around your waist.

- Playful slaps and squeezes to your bum

- Imagine trying to sneak up on Gladio to give him a surprise hug from behind only for him to know what you're about to do (every time) and surprising you instead by turning around and giving you a big hug instead.

- Gladio throwing you over his shoulder, occasionally giving your bum a slight pat

- OK BUT imagine Gladio whispering naughty/cheeky little things in your ear asfkhghfhvc>///w///<

- Won't be afraid to show affection out in public

- Gladio has a secret talent for braiding your hair and doing your make-up

- You often find yourself trying to stay up late enough to see Gladio return home from the palace since he's there from when the sun rises to when night falls. Majority of the time, Gladio's come home to see you fast asleep on the couch. He just smiles and carries you to bed bridal style. He'll tuck you in and kiss your forehead before laying down next to you.

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