~ Chocobro Mistletoe Headcanons ~

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Noct and his s/o would be lying in bed. The prince would be still asleep but his s/o is wide awake next to him, with a sprig of mistletoe in hand matched with a cute grin. They'd brush it against his cheek gently until he wakes up. And when he does, it takes him a moment to register what is in their hand and when he does, he smiles sleepily. He tease them first about how they couldn't wait to kiss him before rolling over and giving his s/o a big smooch... and maybe a few more.

He'd hang a sprig of mistletoe over the front door, knowing that his s/o would be coming over any minute now. And when they do, he'd have such a cute and dorky grin on his face while pointing upwards, commenting that there's something stuck in the doorway. When his s/o looks back down at him with a 'really?' Kinda of look, he just answers something like, 'I wonder how that got there'. His s/o would only smile before quickly kissing him, catching him a bit off guard at first at their eagerness. He pulls them inside by their waist, still kissing.

He'd be so laid back and natural about it. Like, he would be sitting on the couch with his partner, just talking and enjoying each other's company all wrapped up in blankets when suddenly, his s/o stops talking when they notice Gladio suddenly smirk. They ask what he was smiling at only to feel something brush against the top of their head. Looking up they notice the mistletoe and roll their eyes before giving in and kissing him back. He'd brush the mistletoe against their cheek during the kiss just to tease them.

Spec's s/o would be helping him do something in the kitchen and Ignis would ask them if they could grab something from that cupboard over there for him. His s/o would open up the cupboard only to find a small branch of mistletoe on the shelf above their head. Ignis has already moved to stand beside them and as soon as they turn around, they are met with a soft and gentle kiss to their lips. They'd be such a blushing mess, like that was such a bold move from him. Ignis can only smile lovingly at their reaction before giving them another quick peck before returning to what he was doing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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