The Lies

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Ash woke up with Pikachu resting beside him. He had completely forgot about what happened last night until he heard the two girls talking again. 'Why do they have to hate eachother?' Ash thought as he got up. He left his room and smelled his mom making pancakes. That usually put him in a good mood, but not today. Today all he could think about was his friends and the terrible things they said to eachother the previous night. All he wanted was for them to like eachother! He knocked on thier door, inviting them to breakfast and the three ate silently.

"Sooo...." Delia said trying to break the ice "did you guys sleep well...?"

Misty and Serena didn't respond.

"Umm yea" Ash said pushing his food around while his fork. Pikachu happily licked up the syrup that Ash wasn't using.

"That's good! Well, I'll be at professor Oak' s for the day, you kids have fun! I'll be back at 8!" Delia continued grabbing a jacket, and leaving the house.

"Bye mom!" Ash said a little happier. He tried to make the most out of the day. As soon as his mom left he looked over to the girls. They understood this look, this wasn't the look they wanted. This wasn't the look anyone wanted. But they tried to play dumb.

"What's wrong, Ash?" Misty asked.

"You know"


"All I wanted is for you two to be friends! Can't you at least try to get along!?!?!?" Ash snapped.


"Just forget it" Ash sighed hopelessly. He handed over the rest of his pancakes to Pikachu.

"But we are friends!" Serena lied.


"Ummm yea, we do get along!" Misty continued


"Yep!" The two cheered in unison.

"But.. I heard you two last night-"

"Oh we were just kidding!" Serena insisted.

"Oh... um okay..." Ash went along with it walking out of the room. "I'm goona go to Professor Oaks lab for a sec, I really wanna visit my pokemon. You guys wanna come?"

"Um thanks Ash, but I'll pass" Serena said as nicely as she could.

Misty agreed "Yea I'll stay here two"

"Okay you guys have fun! Ash cheered. He was happy that his friends did actually get along. He left the house quickly, happy to see the colorful town of Pallet.

"Okay, if you're gonna be jealous of me and Ash then you're gonna have to do it quiter!" Misty hissed once Ash left.

"I'm NOT jealous! Besides, you two have nothing between you exept a friendship! Ash likes me and I know it!"

"He does not!"

"Fine, fine whatever. Anyway, Ash think that we're friends now so we gotta keep that up if we want him to be happy. So let's just deal with the fact that Ash likes one of us but we don't know who so we don't have to argue about it anymore"
Serena said going back up to her room. Misty was still angry but there was nothing so could do about it now.

"Oh... and by the way... sorry about the stuff I said last night" Serena mumbled the last part. "I was just... mad"

Misty was shocked. She had no idea Serena would apologize. "Oh... um thank you. I'm sorry too"

Serena nodded and carried on to her room to play with her pokemon. Misty stayed downstairs and waited for Ash and Delia to come home.

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