We Need To Talk

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"Okay, listen up! Ash and I both know you were lying to him!" Misty stormed into the room confronting Serena.

"What are you-"

"Ash knows that you blew him off yesterday to to go out with Clemont!"

"..." Serena didn't know what to say.

"WHAT'S UP WITH THAT!?!?!!??" Ash liked you and you just broke his heart!!!"

"Well I wasn't trying to leave him behind but Clemont really wanted to go pout with me! What was I supposed to do!?!?!?"

"Umm you could have told Clemont no because you were on a DATE!!!" Misty said sarcastically.

Serena sighed. "Just... let me go talk to him!" She walked over to Ash room and knocked on the door.

"Ash? You in there?"

"Yeah... what do you need?" Ash replied shyly.

"We need to talk"

Ash let Serena into his room and they both sat down. Ash waited for Serena to give him an explanation.

"Okay, so I'm really sorry that I asked you to choose between me and Misty in the first place..." Serena looked at her feet "And I'm sorry about our date last night"

Ash wanted to forgive her but he wasn't to sure if she ment it yet.

"But Clemont and I are kind of a 'thing' now so I think it's best for us to be friends"

Ash was confused. First she was in love with him, then she hated him, then she practically worshipped him, and the next thing you know, she wants to be friends. Maybe he'd never understand Serena.

"Oh okay..." Ash said casually.

Now Serena was confused. First Ash choose her, then he hated her, the he thought they were friends, then he didn't even care that she broke up with him. Maybe she'd never understand Ash.

"What do you mean!?!? You're perfectly fine with this!?!?"

"Well yeah, what did you want me to do?"

"Well I wouldn't thought you'd be a little heartbroken over this!"

Ash thought about that for a second. "Well, why should I be heartbroken over someone that doesn't really care about me?"

"Of course I care about you!"

"Well you didn't care enough to send me a text last night"

"Hmmpt!" Serena blushed. She was starting to get mad "I guess this was a wasate of my time then!" Tears formed in her eyes as she started to leave but Ash stopped her first.


"Leave me ALONE! I have a boyfriend now and I don't need YOU!" She tried to leave again. Ash didn't know why she was so mad, if anyone should be mad it was him.

"Serena! Running away isn't gonna fix this"

She stopped in her tracks and looked back over to Ash.

"What?" She said bitterly. She gave Ash a glance that no one ever wants to see. It actually scared Ash a little.

"I don't wanna break up a friendship over some stupid date-" he started.

"If it's so 'stupid' then why so you keep bringing it up!?!?!?"

"Because you practically cheated on me with him!... but that doesn't mean we have to hate eachother does it?"

Serena stopped talking. She wasn't in the mood for this.

"Whatever Ash! I don't need YOU as a friend. I have Clemont and I know that he'd never over-react to something like this! So you and Misty can be perfectly happy together! But you will NEVER find at girl like me. SO YOU'LL REGRET LETTING ME GO, ASH! I KNOW IT!!!" She yelled with not a hint of jealousy in her.

She didn't care if Ash liked Misty anymore. She hated both of them now. She found Clemont and booked a flight back to Kalos as soon as possible. She never wanted to hear Ash's name again!

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