The Truth

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Serena was in her bed. It was about 2:00am and she stared at the dark ceiling. She thought about what see did that day.

She went to Prof. Oak's lab, like awe said she would, and handed him a pokemon to give to her mom. Then she saw Clemont and Bonnie...

《Flashback to earlier》

"Clemont? Bonnie? What are you two doing here?" Serena asked

"We were looking for you two!" Bonnie cheered "What are you doing here" Clemont added on.

"Ash was a little homesick so we came back here!"

"Cool! So where's Ash?"

"He's at his home" Serena lied

"Oh okay" Bonnie said "Anyway, Clemont has a question for you..."

"Hmm?" Serena was puzzled"What is it?"

Clemont blushed "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me...? If you're over Ash.."

Serena blushed. Now she had to choose between Ash and Clemont. She now knew that Clemont really liked her... but she wasn't sure that Ash did.

Clemont or Ash? Clemont or Ash...? Before she could think about it too much, she already noded yes to Clemont. Before she knew it they were on a date and she actually had a lot of fun. She completely forgot about Ash and was now dating Clemont.

Everything was great until she got home to see Ash and Misty on the couch. She came in and lied to Ash, telling him that she already texted him and she went to bed.

《End of flashback》

Serena wasn't proud that she stood Ash up but it was over now. Ash couldn't be mad at her now. Plus, maybe she still could have a chance with Ash... maybe not. She liked Clemont now, she was over Ash. She still felt bad though. Ash did choose her over Misty so the least she could have done was go out with him. But she ignored all of that and fell asleep.


Ash woke up to a call from Clemont. He happily answered expecting to hear all about what Clemont had been doing since he ans Serena left. But instead, he asked for advice with Serena.

'What does he want to know about Serena?' Ash thought but he listened to Clemont anyway.

"So anyway" Clemont started "Serena and I went out on a date last night after she gave her pokeball to Professor Oak,"

'Wait what?' Ash asked himself. He couldn't be live this! Misty was right, Serena was lying! There were tears in his eyes, thankfully Pikachu didn't see them.

He listened on the rest of Clemont's conversation and tried to give him the best advice he could. Then he hung up and sat down in his bed. He thought that Serena liked him! Why would she stand him up for one of his best friends!?!?!? And why would she lie to him about it!?!?!?!?

He didn't know what to do anymore. How could he tell Serena that he knew what she had been doing? Could he tell Serena? Would Serena tell him first? Ash thought about what to do for a while until he heard a knock at his room door.

"Misty? What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You've been in there for a while"

"Well... actually I've been thinking for a while" He brought Misty into his room and closed the door so Serena wouldn't hear. "Clemont called me this morning and he told that he went on a date with Serena last night..."


"yeah, and she told Clemont that she wasn't on a date with me"

"She's cheating on you..."

"I guess"

"Well did you tell Clemont?"

"No... I was too scared to. Maybe I should call him back..." Misty gave a quick nod and Ash picked up his phone.

"Hey Clemont, sorry to bother you, but I forgot to tell you something earlier," Ash started. He told Clemont the heartbreaking news in the nicest way possible but he didn't believe him.

"She told me that you two weren't dating" Clemont said

"She lied... sorry Clemont"

"Are you sure she was trying to date you? Maybe it was a misunderstanding or something"

"But-" Ash started but Clemont already hund up in denial.

"Well at least I tried" Ash sighed hopelessly.

"Don't worry, Ash. If Serena would do this to you then she isn't the right for you anyway" Misty said.

"Thanks Mist, and I'm sorry that I choose her over you..."

"Don't worry about it!" She hugged Ash and started to go back to her room, until he stopped her.

"Wait, Misty"


"Do ya think you could stay here for a little while?"

"Sure thing, Ashy"

The two sat back down for a few minutes until Misty got up to go to Serena's room. She was going to regret hurting Ash like that...

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