The Crying Game

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Seven o'clock rolled around quickly. The trio didn't speak much for most of it. But Ash was worried that Misty didn't like him anymore so he talked to her more than anyone.

Ash and Serena left the house at 7 they happily walked to a nice restaurant until they heard something.

"Oh I think my phone's buzzing!" Serena said pulling her pink studded phone out. She picked it up "Hi mom, what wrong?"


"What really!?"


"Okay I'll be there in a few!" She ended the phonecall with a sad look on her face.

"What happened?" Ash asked

"My mom needs help with the Rhyhorns back at home."

"Oh... so do we need to reschedule the date?"

"No this wont take a long, all I need to do is send one of my pokemon to her. I'll met you at the restaurant in about fifteen minutes!" She skipped off leaving Ash to walk alone, but he did keeping a good attitude.


Fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, forty-five minutes, an hour. Where was she!?!? Ash had been waiting at the restaurant and Serena still hadn't showed up. All she had to do we give a pokeball to Professor Oak and then she could meet him there. SO WHY WASN'T SHE THERE!?!?!?

Ash waited for an hour and fifteen minutes before he just gave up. If Serena liked him so much then why did she stand him up? Ash walked home alone fighting back tears. He was happily greeted by his mother. He faked a smile trying not to let her know that he was upset, and went to his room.

"How was you're date!?" Misty asked nicely

"Oh... it was fine" Ash lied

"That's good! So where's Serena?"

Ash shrugged.

"What do you mean? Didn't you two walk home together?"

Ash didn't want to answer.

"What happened?" Misty asked.

Ash knew Misty wouldn't give this up. And he knew that she cared about him so he told her anyway.

"...Well um... Serena said she'd meet me there in 15 minuets... 'cause she had to give a pokeball to Professor Oak so he could give it to her mom..."

"Yeah...? Then what?"

"So... I went to the restaurant ans waited an hour and she still didn't show up" Ash forced out. He soon realized that he was being a little selfish. "Do you think something bad happened to her???" He asked. Now he wasn't sad, he was worried. What if he'd never see Serena again?

"I don't... think so... maybe she just couldn't find you at the restaurant"

"Maybe..." Ash said. Misty noticed tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"Don't worry Ash, you know she'd never leave you there on purpose"

The two sat down for a while in silence, waiting for Serena to come back. They finally heard a knock on the door an hour later
and Misty opened it. It was Serena!

"What are you doing here!?"

"Umm I don't have anywhere else to stay..." She said sarcastically as she pushed Misty out the way and walked in. "Hey Ash!"

"Serena... why... wait, what are you doing here!?"

"I wanted to talk to you"

"You could've talked to me at the restaurant"

"What do you mean?"

"Where were you!? I waited at the restaurant for an hour and you didn't show up!" Ash retorted.

"Didn't you get my text?"

"What text?"

"I texed you saying that I couldn't make it!"

"I didn't get a text..."

"Well I sent it!" Serena said getting a little annoyed. She went upstairs to the room she and Misty shared and slammed the door. Ash checked his phone. There wasn't a text.

"I never got a text..."

"Hmmpt I knew it" Misty mumbled


"I knew she was lying..."

"B-but Serena wouldn't do that. At leasts I don't think she would..."

"Hmmm maybe not. But still I don't trust her"

"Well if she did to it on purpose, then wha should I do?" Ash asked innocently.

"I dunno, first we need to find out if it's true or not"

"I guess. Well I'm gonna go to bed, see ya tomorrow"

"Night" Misty replied. She returned to her room, ignoring Serena, and went to bed.

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