The Dating Game

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Ash came back home with his mom to a very quiet house. Too quiet.

"Misty? Serena? Where are you guys?"

No answer.

"Hmmm maybe they're asleep" Delia said putting her jacket away. "I guess it's time for us to get to bed too"

"Yea I guess. Night mum!" Ash returned to his room, walking past the girl's room. He layed down in his bed until peacefully falling asleep... until...

"WHAT DID YOU SAY!?!?!?!?" He heard Misty yell. What were they doing now? Ash knew that they still didn't like eachother. He knew that they lied to him that morning but he didn't really know why.

He tried to listen to what they were saying.

"Nevermind!" Serena argued getting back into her bed.

"I thought we were gonna get along for Ash!"

"You started it!" Serena said childishly


"Whatever! Anyway it's true!"

"No it isn't!" Misty retorted "You don't even know if Ash likes you!"

"Well at least I know how to dress and act like a lady!"

Ash opened the door, he was tired of thier fighting. He stood there... angrily
"I thought that you guys were friends..." he snapped

"Um... we are... we're just having a disagreement..." Serena said

"No you're not! You guys lied to me!"


"Listen, you want to know who I like more...? " He growled. He really didn't want to get into this but there was only one way to stop them. He started getting fellings for Serena more recently... so he went with her. (Big mistake)

"Then... I guess it's Serena" he spit out. Misty's heart broke completely. Ash didn't want to choose but he had to now, or else they wouldn't stop arguing.

Serena blushed "R-really?!?!?"

Ash nodded slightly.

Misty had a few tears in her eyes that she didn't want anyone else to see. But she stopped crying when she realized how bad Ash felt about this.

"I'm sorry, Mist. You know I like you... I just think that maybe we should stay... friends" That last word made Ash really upset. Why were they making him choose!?!?!?

But Misty was taking this pretty well. She understood now and she knew Ash still cared about her but she still was a little sad. It made her angry knowing that Ash didn't know how Serena acted around her. But... maybe Serena did care about him... just as much as Misty does...

"So in that case" Serena said pushing Misty away "do you want to go out with me... like on a date?"

"Umm yea.. okay. Is that okay, Misty?" Ash was a little concerned about his friend.

"Oh yeah, you two have fun!"

"Cool! We can got tommowow evening at 7! Does that work for you!?!?" Serena asked happily.

"Uh yeah... that's cool"

Ash went back to his room still felling a little guilty but happy that Misty was okay with this.

"HA!" Serena said "Guess he does like me more!"


"Don't be jealous!"

"Just shut up okay!?!?" Misty hissed.

Serena smiled. She had no idea what got into her. She would never be this rude to someone before she met Misty, but it was too late to stop now. She finally had a date with Ash!

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