Stinky alpha

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I really hope you enjoy!
As always Derek and the rest of the pack were off fighting some supernatural creature, except for Stiles, Lydia and Danny. They were all waiting for the others to get back Stiles was pacing around the loft like a mad man. Lydia was trying to distract herself by reading a book but, failing at it. Danny was looking at pictures of Ethan.
I hour later
After waiting for what seemed like years. The loft door opens and everyone piles into the loft. They all smelled of sweat, blood and wet dog. Lydia ran to Aidan  and kissed him. Danny ran to Ethan and hugged him. Stiles walked over to every single one of them and inspected them. "Who want to have a puppy pile tonight?" Stiles said. Everyone looked happy in tell Stiles said "Before you guys do anything, go take a shower." They all frowned and headed to take a shower. Danny went with Ethan. Lydia with Aiden. Scott with Isaac. Stiles with Derek. Malia with josh. Kira with Allison. Erica with Boyd. Mason with Corey. Liam with Hayden. They with Tracy. (I wanted to make theo, Tracy and josh good)
In stiles and Derek's bathroom
While Derek was getting the shower ready, Stiles walks in and gags. "Stinky alpha you are." Stiles says handing Derek is p.j.'s and a towel. Derek just chuckled and asked "do u want to join me?" Stiles starts stripping his clothes off. They both got in the shower smiling and kissing each other. While they were in the shower they washed each other's bodies.
After the shower
Once they were done, they headed downstairs to where the rest of the pack was waiting for them. Scott,Isaac,Liam and Hayden were on the floor. Lydia,Aiden, Boyd and Erica where on the love sit. Ethan and Danny were on one of the recliners. Danny sitting on Ethan. Stiles and Derek took the other recliner. Stiles sitting on Derek. Once everyone was settled in they waited for the others to join them. When the other's came down they all settled on the floor. When everyone was ready they settled in and watched a movie.
Sorry I haven't updated in a while and I hope to update soon! Love you guys❤️

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