Chapter 1

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"Tessa Evelyn Margera! Get your scrawny little ass down here now!" I heard Dunn shout from down stairs. I giggled and looked over at Bam who was laughing too.

"Why does he always blame me?!" I chuckled as Bam and I ran down the stairs. Then Ryan Tackled me to the ground. "Ah! What the fuck Dunn?!" I screamed.

"You know what, you bitch!" He cried while tickling me.

"Bam! HELP!" I yelled at my older brother.

He shook his head "sorry, no can do sissy, when you rip up Someone's favourite jacket you have to face the consequences!" Bam said laughing.

"You jerk! It was your idea!" I shrieked trying to get out if Dunn's grip.

"But you did the ripping!" Bam Laughed.

"You had better be filming this Bam!" Ryan chuckled as he tickled me even more. I squirmed and screamed whiled Bam and Ryan wet themselves laughing.

"You are the most ticklish person I know, Tess" Bam cried, tears of laughter streaming down his face.

"Dunn, if you don't get off me now, I will injure you very badly!" I shouted trying to get away. Immediately Ryan leapt off me and hid behind Bam.

"Your such a pussy" Bam said turning to Dunn. Quickly I came up to Bam and racked him in the nuts. Bam squealed and slowly sank to the floor.

"Who's the pussy now!" Dunn said hand covering his mouth, then I turned and booted him in the balls too. He groaned and ended up lying with Bam, both of them rolling on the floor holding their crotch.

"Don't mess with a girl who is a kick boxing champion" I said triumphantly.

"That was like 5 years ago!" Bam muttered.

"Don't mean I still haven't got it in me! Round 2?" I suggested. The two just groaned. "I'll take that as a no" I said going back up the stairs.

"What about my jacket, Tess?" I heard Dunn shout.

I chuckled before shouting back "I'll take you shopping in a bit!"

"And me?" Bam cried.

I groaned, Bammy is so picky it takes us way to long to go round the shopping mall, but I couldn't just leave him at home. "Fine" I shouted, giving in.

Hi! Thanks for reading the first chapter if this book! I am trying to make everything as accurate as I can but I am sorry if something isn't 100% correct. This is supposed to be set before Jackass got together, by the way. Also, i am not from America and dont know where many of the states are so bare with me if i get that wrong too! Thanks for reading!

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