Chapter 8

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It was coming up to the end of my cruise and I could safely say that Steve-O was my best friend. I enjoyed work but being with Steve was even better. Something about him just made me relaxed.

"Hey, Steve?" I said rolling onto my front.

"Yeah?" He said pulling his eyes off Supernatural and shoving another handful of popcorn into his mouth.

"Wanna go and do something? Like look out onto the sea or something from the top deck?" I asked hoping that he would say yes.

"I would love to, Tess, plus I have something to tell you!" He grinned and pulled me out of my room and up to the top deck.

The ship swayed gently from side to side as the warm breeze brushed the salty sea air across my face. There was just deep blue as far as the eye could see and not a single other boat in sight. The hypnotising pattern of the waves lapped slowly back and forth as figures of sea weed danced beneath the surface.

"Isn't it beautiful?" I sighed.

Steve-O sighed back and leant against the rail. We stared out into the vast ocean in a comfortable silence for quite some time.

"What did you wanna tell me then" I asked and stretched my arms.

"Well, you know that I told you about my stunts for Big Brother magazine?" He asked raising his eyebrow. I nodded. "They want a photo of another on of my stunts!" He said, the excitement practically pouring out of his body.

"Woah! Steve that's great! What are you doing this time?!" I said giving him a hug.

"Thanks, I'm gunna be in stilts and their is gunna be fire and unicycles and skateboards! It's gunna be sick!" He cheered.

"Sounds like you!" I admitted.

"True, anyway I was wondering if you wanted to come and watch?" He asked giving me a squeeze.

"I would love to Steve! Thanks for inviting me!" I beamed.

I had never been to something like a Big Brother shoot. Stuff with the CKY crew and my brother were far from professional, we had a crappy video camera and Bam did the editing. So Steve-Os stunt would be awesome, a cool story to tell the guys.

Sorry for the short chapter!

The Perks Of Being A Jackassजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें