Chapter 9

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"Hey! Tess! Wakeup!" Steve-O said shaking me gently.

I grumbled and rolled over pulling the thin batman Blanket over my head.

"C'mon!" He said shaking me harder

I stretched out and rolled over again then not so gracefully fell of the sofa and landed in a great big heap. Obviously Steve wet himself laughing.

I had finished my last day on the cruise and was staying at Steve's place for his stunt. His hospitality had been questionable but at least he let me sleep on the sofa.

"Some of my friends are gunna be over in a few minuets" he said helping me up.

"Thanks for the warning!" I yelped as I grabbed my suitcase and made a dash to the bathroom.

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror, "nothing a bit of makeup can't fix" I shrugged. Bam always said that I never need make up and that I am beautiful anyway. To prove his point a few years ago he destroyed all of my nice expensive cosmetics and then attacked me with a baby wipe. I perfected my winged eyeliner and coated my long lashes in mascara then applied a lush dark red lip stick which really brought out the colour of my electric blue eyes. I managed to tame the mess of black long hair that was now in loose curls that tumbled down my back. For my outfit I chose a black crop top and black skinny jeans, I also tied a black and red flannel shirt around my waist and slipped on my dark red docs. I decided I looked presentable before shyly walking back out into the living room.

Steve was chatting with his friends,all with beers in their hands and none of them my type at all. Slightly disappointed I tip toed into kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I could here that they were talking about the stunt but I still didn't know what Steve was actually going to be doing. My toast flung itself out of the toaster and I had to juggle the hot slice from one hand to the other before layering it with Nutella. Finally I cut it into triangles and ate it quickly. Now sure that my stomach wasn't going to rumble at an embarrassing moment I decided that I should meet the others.

I could feel their eyes burning through me as Steve introduced me but I couldn't help but beam when Steve said that I was one I his best friends. After all we ha got really close on the cruise, even though we were nothing more than friends we acted like a couple sometimes. I guess that's what best friends do. I hadn't really said much to Bam about him though, because I knew that he would give me a lecture on how we would date then everything would turn sour then we'd hate each other, so some things Bam could do without knowing.

"Hi" I said waving my hand timidly after Steve had finished.

"Hi" they all said back then introduced them selves one by one.

"So what's this stunt actually about then?" I asked making my self comfy.

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