chapter 3

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They finally made it in and there was a man with short dark brown hair. "Welcome to Bloomsberry Museum," he greeted. "My name is Ted Shackelford and I'll be your guide today."

"Can I come out now?" Patch asked.

"Sure, just don't get caught." Cherry allowed him out.

"Oh, finally!" Patch came to the floor and stretched, he felt snug earlier.

Ted seemed to blush to Ms. Dunlop, but led the students to the exhibits to show them and tell them all about what there was to see. The kids found this to be a rather boring field trip as it went on.

"Please tell me that something interesting will happen." Darla begged.

"Well, umm... I'm sure if we move along, we'll find something." Ted smiled sheepishly.

They were now going to the prehistoric exhibit which seemed more boring than the other exhibits for the kids. Many of the students were nearly falling asleep. Patch and Darla were a little excited due to their first field trip visit to a museum.

"Now, as I was saying," Ted spoke as they came to the prehistoric exhibit. "Life was a constant struggle for survival. Australopithecus had no time to enjoy himself because around every corner was danger!" he then accidentally made the exhibit's head fall off and tried to place it back.

"Way to go." Brittany scoffed.

"Yeah, good one." Alvin agreed with her for once.

"Do they seriously have to be negative today?" Atticus asked.

"Ah, kids these days..." Cherry muttered. "Nothing just excites them anymore."

Ted tried to pull himself together. "It wasn't until an amazing discovery that man was able to take time and enjoy life," he then continued. "And why was that? What made Ogg and Grogg's life so much better?" he rhetorically asked the students.

"A video game?" one of the other boys raised his hand.

"No." Ted smiled.

"The internet?" a girl then asked.

"No..." Ted looked to her.

The kids then put in their guesses which were all wrong. Simon and Jeanette rolled their eyes, only they seemed to be the students who would know. Of course, next to Amber, who was really smart for her age, but not as smart as them, of course.

'What is with these human kids? Do I have to give them the answer?' Patch thought to himself as he got annoyed by the kids that had already guessed.

"No, look, it wasn't a real question," Ted stopped them, he then took out a match. "That's right, fire!"

The kids glared at him then, not knowing that without fire, they wouldn't have what they all liked in the present day.

"Look at that," Ted showed them the flame from his match. "Impressive, huh?"

"Ms. Dunlop, why did we have to come to this boring museum?" Brittany asked their teacher.

"It's not boring," Ms. Dunlop smiled, paying close attention to Ted. "It's very interesting."

"Sounds like someone might be in love with the guide." Atticus said, referring to Ms. Dunlop.

Ms. Dunlop hid a blush as he said that, but didn't say anything in return, proving his point.

"This led to hot dinners," Ted continued. "Eventually became the microwave..."

"Three, two, one." Alvin counted down as the flame burned out on Ted's fingertips.

Ted accidentally made the fire go onto his cue cards, making a huge flame.

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