chapter 16

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"They are taking the family idol..." Charlene whispered.

"This will make it much easier." Mo whispered back.

"Too heavy for ya?" Patch asked.

"Maybe." Atticus chuckled as they both carried the idol.

"Too heavy for Atticus? No way, he's as strong as Hercules." Darla smiled.

Atticus shushed her as he lifted the idol with his puppy.

Charlene followed her long-lost sisters as she was going to live in the city from now on and talked with them.

"So, you and Dad are the lost tribe of Zagawa?" Brittany asked.

"Yes, so were you and our mother," Charlene said. "Until those poachers found us and there were scientists who experimented on Mrs. Brisby's husband until he died."

"Oh, my..." The Chipettes frowned.

"Yes, our family life is rough..." Charlene said.

"And we thought we had it tough when we lived in Australia." Eleanor said to her sisters.

Soon enough, they all arrived back in the city with the monkey idol now inside the museum. Junior was devastated, but Mr. Bloomsberry was very proud. The museum was going to have a lot more visitors now and Darla had suggested other features to make the museum more exciting for customers around her age. And where Mr. Bloomsberry was more then happy to accept those suggestions.

"Wow, Darla, that was really smart thinking on your part." Atticus smiled.

"Hey, I'm a smart kid." Darla smirked.

"That's only because you have a smart and strong and caring older brother." Patch stated.

Atticus and Darla shared a smile together at that statement before hugging.

"You're my BBBFF." Darla smiled.

This caused for the Chipmunks and Chipettes to become confused. Cherry, Mo, and Patch smiled at it however as they let Darla and Atticus have their moment.

"Uh, where's George?" Theodore asked as he noticed the monkey was missing.

"George? George!" Patch called out.

"Oh, where's he gone now?" Ted groaned slightly.

They then heard the sound of thrusts from a rocket ship.

"George!" Patch called out and rushed to where he heard the rocket.

The kids gathered together and they could see the rocket from where they were as it looked as though it were about to take off.

"Who filled up the rocket ship with fuel?" Atticus asked.

Ted's friend Clovis seemed sheepish at that question.

"Why?" Atticus groaned.

Ted ran over to get to the rocket to help George out of it.

"Do you think Mr. Ted will get George out of there in time?" Darla asked her older adopted brother.

The rocket then took off.

"Probably not." Atticus replied.

"Atticus, would you mind bringing them back?" Mo asked.

Atticus sighed. "If I must... Imagine that, George in outer space."

"Maybe someday." Darla giggled.

"Come on, bring them back to Earth." Cherry said.

"All right... Be right back..." Atticus said as he then bolted off right out of the museum. And where he soon used his magic to bring the rocket ship back. "Sorry, George, but space will have to wait!" he called out as he brought the rocket back.

George was upset about this, but he knew that he would most likely get to go out into space some other time.

"Thanks, Atticus." Ted smiled.

"No problem, sir." Atticus smiled back.

"I'm never going to forget this adventure." Darla smiled.

"I don't think any of us will." Theodore agreed.

George walked over to Darla and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Aww!" Darla giggled and hugged George back.

"I'll miss you all." George said in monkey language.

"Don't worry, we'll see you again sometime." Atticus promised in monkey language.

"I hope so." George said as he gently tugged on one of Darla's blonde curls.

"Hey!" Darla laughed.

George giggled to her.

"Oh, you're gonna get it!" Darla then tickled George and played with him like a baby brother which made everybody else laugh.

This was an adventure that no one would ever soon forget.

The End

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