chapter 11

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Atticus soon started to comfort the young monkey. George lay his head as he slowly shut his eyes.

In George's memories, we see a female monkey who smiled to her child as she held him close in her arms and hugged him and kissing him on the forehead.

"I love you, my precious baby." George's mother smiled.

"Love you too, Mama..." George cooed to his mother.

A strong male gorilla soon came in, looking nice and kind. The female monkey then nuzzled her head against her mate as he came in and they both smiled down to their endlessly curious son.

End of Flashback

George seemed to have tears in his sepia eyes and nuzzled his head against Atticus's chest as he seemed to be crying. Atticus began to continue comforting the sad monkey.

"Oh, poor baby..." Mo cooed as she gently stroked the monkey's back.

"I-I remember my parents." George cried softly.

"George?" Atticus asked as the Chipettes looked rather sad themselves.

We are shown a flashback in Australia...

There was a young female chipmunk who appeared to be running for dear life and ran into a kangaroo female.

"Oh, my, are you all right, Miss?" the female kangaroo asked.

"Oh, I don't have much time..." the female chipmunk frowned. "They already took my darling mate, I'm just a single mother now and my babies are about to be born any minute now."

"Is there anything I can do?" The female kangaroo asked.

"I just need to have a space where I can have my babies..." the female chipmunk panted.

"Climb into my pouch." the female kangaroo offered.

"Oh, thank you, thank you very much, mate!" the female chipmunk then carefully climbed in.

The female kangaroo patted her pouch and hopped off to a shelter that she knew very well including the humans who stayed in there.

"My name's Janice." the female chipmunk said.

"Wendy, pleased to meet ya." the female kangaroo replied.

"Pleased to meet you as well." Janice smiled.

After a little while, Wendy came to an orphanage and snuck the female chipmunk inside one window and placed her inside of an empty shoe box that was under one girl's bed who was fast asleep right now like the other girls in the room.

"Thank you, I will never forget this..." Janice whispered as she got comfortable inside the shoe box.

"This girl is named Olivia, she loves animals, she'll take care of ya." Wendy whispered to the expecting mother.

"Thank you for your help." Janice smiled.

Wendy nodded. "You have a good night now."

"Bare dingum..." Janice nodded back to the kangaroo as she got some sleep in the shoe box.

Wendy soon hopped away.

The next morning came sooner than Janice would expect as the orphans were forced to wake up bright and early to do whatever Miss Grudge would tell them to do. She nearly hated all of the orphans and wanted to make money off of the ones who sang, but they just weren't what she was looking for and she only seemed to like one named Eva because she was a rather bratty girl and usually sucked up to their caregiver.

"Wow." Janice said.

Olivia was a very kind girl like Wendy said and she had always wanted a pet and after discovering Janice, she took good care of the chipmunk mother the best that she could and even though the female chipmunk was an animal, she felt great to have a mother around since she never knew her own parents. Before they knew it, it was time for the babies to be born and Olivia was very excited.

"Oh, this is so exciting." Olivia smiled.

Janice smiled weakly to Olivia as she was giving birth to her three daughters. After a while, the three baby girls were born.

"Oh... They're so cute..." Olivia gushed to the triplet daughters born from Janice.

Janice smiled weakly to her crying babies and gave them their milk to settle them.

"What are their names?" Olivia asked.

"Brittany... Jeanette... Eleanor...." Janice said rather weakly as she pointed from her oldest to her youngest as she looked like she did not have much time left of life. "Aren't they lovely?"

"Yes," Olivia approved. "What happened to their father though?"

"He was taken away... By poachers..." Janice explained to the young human girl. "They tried to take me too and he just told me to run... Our children needed a comforting place to be born in and not a steel cage. Johnathon Brisby would be proud, he's an old friend of ours who is a fieldmouse."

"Where does he live?" Olivia asked.

"The Brisby family lives in a field with humans..." Janice replied. "Lovely family... I hope my children meet them someday..." she then coughed sickly.

"Janice? JANICE!" Olivia panicked. "Someone help, this chipmunk is sick!"

"No, Olivia, it's okay, besides, it's my time." Janice coughed.

"Your time...?" Olivia's crystal blue eyes filled with tears.

"I'm afraid so..." Janice replied. "Please... Olivia, dear... Take good care of my babies for me."

"I will." Olivia nodded.

Janice smiled with tears in her eyes. "Thank you..." she then looked down to her now sleeping babies. "I love you, my dears... Remember that..."

Olivia soon cried herself as Janice took her last breath and she had passed away shortly after giving birth.

End of Flashback

Jeanette wiped her own emerald green eyes while Brittany and Eleanor clung to her sadly.

"Gosh..." Atticus said. "I had no idea that happened to you guys..."

"Olivia told us when we started to walk and talk." Jeanette sniffled.

"We're so sorry for your loss." Mo frowned.

George patted the Chipettes on the back and then curiously looked to the fish tank in the room. He then growled and copied the chomping up and down clam in the tank as the fish swam back and forth lazily. Eleanor gently giggled to that.

"He sure is a fun little guy." Mo said.

"I sure hope Mr. Shackleford is telling Mr. Bloomsberry the truth." Patch spoke up.

"Same here." Atticus said.

Cherry Meets Curious GeorgeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora