chapter 4

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Ted was with the man who was Mr. Bloomsberry and he was talking about possibly shutting the museum down for good since it didn't excite anyone anymore and no one bought anything from the gift shop.

'Can they blame the people?' Patch thought to himself.

"But, what will happen to the museum?" Ted asked the owner.

The man with the glasses and ponytail turned in a chair with a smile as he held a model of the museum on the desk he was sitting in. "It will be torn down and a parking lot will be put in it's place," the man explained, sounding joyful about the museum being demolished and removed the model to show various cars in a lot. "With high hourly rates and no daily maximums. Ka-Ching!"

"I haven't heard anyone this anxious about a parking lot since Ferngully..." Cherry muttered under her breath.

"The world doesn't need another parking lot," Ted said to the man. "The world needs a place where kids' brains can grow!"

"Exactly," the man smirked. "That's why I'm thinking they can grow trying to count all the spaces in the new parking lot. Come on, how fun is that?"

"Is that a trick question?" Atticus asked out loud, but then covered his mouth.

The men looked to the doors and saw the gaggle of kids.

"I thought I told you all to beat it!" the man glared at them.

The older man came to the group. "What're you kids doing here?" he asked. "This is private."

"Sorry, sir, we couldn't help but overhear," Amber spoke up. "You can't sell the museum or get rid of it, I like coming here, especially with my aunt!"

"I'm sorry, little lady, but we have no choice." Mr. Bloomsberry told her.

"Why not just go out and find something that everyone including kids would want to see and bring it here?" Atticus suggested.

"Oh, come on," the man came to the older man with a paper. "It's time, Father... We're not going to get a better offer."

"I know, I know, but this young fellow has a point..." Mr. Bloomsberry looked rather confident now.

"He's right," Ted agreed. "Find something amazing and new for an exhibit!"

"You know, Ted, you need to worry about finding an amazing new job..." the man muttered.

"Hold on, Junior," Mr. Bloomsberry looked interested and curious to do this possible mission. "If one of you has an idea, it's time to speak up."

'Maybe the world's biggest diamond.' Patch thought.

"What exhibit?" Mr. Bloomsberry prompted.

"Yes, what exhibit?" Junior nearly echoed, sounding angry that Ted had his father's attention now.

"Uh, it's the... Uhh..." Ted tried to think. "The famous... And rare of course... The incredible..."

"This guy needs serious help..." Brittany muttered, making Darla nudge her to be quiet.

"Spit it out." Junior taunted Ted.

Ted then saw a picture on the bulletin board to the corner that looked like a primate. "What about the Lost Shrine of Zagawa?" he suggested with a smile.

"My goodness!" Mr. Bloomsberry gasped with delight.

"What's the Lost Shrine of Zagawa?" Patch asked.

"It's an ancient idol." Simon explained.

"20 tons of granite carved by 1,000 craftsmen over 100 years." Jeanette added.

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