chapter 5

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Later, Ms. Dunlop took her students back to school and eventually, it was home time.

"Why can't I go with you?" Darla asked Atticus as he walked home with her.

"Because it's going to be dangerous." Atticus said.

"Well, you be careful then..." Darla cautioned.

"I will, it's me, come on..." Atticus ruffled up her hair playfully.

"Heeey!" Darla took his hand away and put her bow back in place.

"What? It's what we big brothers do." Atticus said.

"Yeah, yeah..." Darla rolled her eyes slightly.

Atticus glanced to her, then went up to his room to look to see if he had any jungle expedition clothes. And where to his surprise he did he then had a smirk as he saw a note attached to it saying 'You and the others will need these. I've already sent Cherry, the Chipmunks, and Chipettess everything that they'll need same for Ted, - From Dad'.

"Thanks, Dad." Atticus whispered.

"Your dad sure is a great man." Patch said.

"Yeah, you never know what Dad will do next." Atticus said to Patch.

Meanwhile, Cherry had her mother pack her things for her.

"Are you sure you can handle the jungle without me?" Forte sounded worried about her. "I-I better go and protect you."

"I'll be fine, nothing bothers me..." Cherry folded her arms as she sat across from him, she didn't understand why he was so worried about her safety.

"Well, alright, by the way Atticus's dad came by and dropped these off for you." Forte said, showing everything that she would need.

Cherry took the stuff and went to her room for her mother to include it in the packing.

"That man will never cease to surprise me." Forte said.

Cherry came back. "There we are..."

"Are you sure about going on this venture?" Forte was very nervous for her. "You don't have to..."

"Why are you so scared for me?" Cherry glanced at him.

"Um.... No reason..." Forte tried to cover up.

"Hmm..." Cherry narrowed her eyes at him.

"I just don't want to lose you." Forte said.

"Lose me?" Cherry asked.

"Cerise, I know it surprises you, but I care about you..." Forte told her honestly. "I could've killed you when you were a small child... I never intended to hurt you... You became my true friend and you were a wonderful and brilliant, misunderstood loner... You were a lot like me. Just promise me you'll be safe."

"Uhh... Sure..." Cherry was surprised to hear his true feelings.

"Thank you, Cerise, thank you." Forte said, hugging her.

Cherry's eyes widened in the hug. "You're touching me..."

"Just let me hold you..." Forte whispered.

"ASSASSIN!!!" Cherry yelled out, but he wasn't going to let go of her.

Forte let her go once she yelled.

"Thank you..." Cherry slowly and calmly shut her eyes then.

"Sorry about that." Forte said.

"Hm,..." Cherry hummed again.

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