chapter 8

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There was then suddenly a knocking at the door.

"Huh?" Ted was surprised, he wasn't expecting company, but he shrugged. "It's open!" he called, too tired to get up and answer the door himself.

To his surprise, the ones that came in were Atticus, Eleanor, and a human boy he hadn't met before.

"What're you guys doing here?" Ted asked.

"Um, Ted, when we got back to America, apparently we also brought back a stowaway." Atticus said.

"A stowaway?" Ted asked, tired. "Look, I'm kind of busy right now..."

"We know, but you have to know this!" Patch urged him.

"Not now, I just need two seconds of quiet..." Ted lay back down on the couch.

Suddenly, his phone started to ring.

"All right, I didn't mean literally." Ted then forced himself to answer his phone. He grew worried once he saw it was Bloomsberry calling, that couldn't be a good sign.

"Oh, dear." Eleanor said.

"Hi, Mr. Bloomsberry, I just walked through the door." Ted replied after answering the phone.

'Well get down here!' Bloomsberry cried out with joy. 'All the news reporters are here! I've arranged a press conference just for you and those kids can come too if they want! You all are the heroes of the moment!'

"Uh-oh." Patch whispered.

Ted looked nervous himself as there were people eager to see the red monkey idol that he found which was smaller than it was in person, but Mr. Bloomsberry had a different idea of course.

"This cannot be good..." Eleanor tugged on her pigtails. "I'm nervous."

"I can tell." Patch said since the blonde female chipmunk had grabbed her hair.

"What are we going to do now?" Brittany asked.

"I better think of something..." Patch decided. "Wanna help, Jeanette?"

"Of course." Jeanette agreed, she was the brains of the Chipettes after all.

"I'll help as well." Simon said.

The monkey started to wander around and was insanely curious like a toddler child as he seemed to come by the window.

Theodore giggled. "He sure is curious."

"Who is?" Ted asked as he sulked in his chair.

"The monkey." Theodore smiled.

"The monkey..." Ted repeated before sitting up in surprise and alarm. "The monkey?!"

The monkey smiled as he popped his head out from under the man's yellow hat which came into the room much to his surprise.

"How did he get under his hat?" Mo asked.

"More importantly, how did he get here?" Atticus asked himself.

"Wait... You followed us all the way from Africa?" Ted asked the monkey.

The monkey giggled as he kept playing peek-a-boo with the man.

"Um, George, did you follow us here?" Patch asked.

"George?" the others asked.

"I'm gonna call him that, he looks like a George, beats just calling him 'Monkey'." Patch replied.

The monkey chattered in response.

"He says yes." Atticus translated.

"Okay, so then can you talk to him and find out why he followed us?" Cherry asked him.

Cherry Meets Curious GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now