chapter 13

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Cherry was still sleeping and the others had trouble on waking her up. Patch soon started to bark into her ear.

Cherry's flashed open and she glared to Patch. "Don't do that."

"Couldn't just let you sleep the day away." Patch smirked.

"Stupid dog..." Cherry growled.

"What should we do now?" Theodore asked.

"Have you guys seen the monkey?" Ted asked. "We were playing with fireflies last night, but I can't find him anywhere."

"You lost him?" Mo asked.

"Well, uh, I..." Ted replied nervously.

"Maybe he's at the zoo..." Cherry yawned.

"Maybe." Atticus said.

They then went to the zoo to look for George there.

"The zoo's full of monkeys, who's to say he's mine?" Ted replied nervously.

"That monkey's chasing me!" a young boy cried out.

"That's mine." Ted then said nervously.

"Yep." Mo nodded.

Ted climbed into the zoo and ended up getting through an igloo that was full of penguins and he ended up in the water. Ms. Dunlop was at the zoo and was giving balloons to all the children as they explored.

"There's Ms. Dunlop." Theodore smiled.

"And there's the monkey." Ted shivered once he saw George joining in on the fun.

Ms. Dunlop smiled as she handed balloons to the kids and saw the man. "Oh, Ted."

"Miss Maggie," Ted tipped his yellow hat to her, but this made a bunch of water splash out on him from the penguin habitat. "Hi..."

George giggled as he clung onto Ms. Dunlop's back.

"What happened to you?" Ms. Dunlop asked with an amused smile.

"Do you want the short version or the long version?" Mo asked.

"Uhh... Funny thing..." Ted made up. "Cloudburst down the street..."

George jumped into Ted's arms and pointed to the schoolteacher with the balloons. "Hey, she's pretty~"

Ms. Dunlop smiled and played with George like a newborn baby. "How long have you had a monkey?"

"Since we went to Africa." Theodore smiled.

"He's so cute~" Ms. Dunlop cooed to the monkey.

George then climbed down to meet the Chipmunks, Chipettes, and Darla's classmates.

"Mr. Ted, what's your monkey's name?" a girl asked.

"Uh, he doesn't have a name." Ted replied.

"We named him George, remember?!" Cherry nudged him.

"Yeah, remember?" Theodore smiled.

The other kids seemed to like George's name.

"Oh, I like George." Ms. Dunlop even approved.

"At least we're not in trouble." Alvin whispered.

George and the other kids made funny faces with each other. Theodore giggled as he then joined in with Eleanor. The kids then gave George their balloons.

"Should we be concerned with how many balloons he is given?" Jeanette asked.

"Yes, those appear to be helium balloons," Simon agreed. "With enough, George could float in the air and fly away like a bird."

"Oh, please like that could happen." Alvin said.

"Yeah, you guys worry too much." Brittany agreed.

Simon and Jeanette sighed to them. Ms. Dunlop saw Ted standing alone to a closed exhibit for repair and decided to talk with him.

"Looks like Ms. Dunlop is going to talk to Mr. Ted." Theodore smiled.

"I don't know about you, but I think they're in L-O-V-E." Eleanor whispered with a giggle.

"Same here." Mo added with a giggle.

Ted and Ms. Dunlop talked and the two seemed to be gazing into each other's eyes. Unfortunately, George appeared to be floating away from the numerous balloons.

"WE KNEW IT!" Simon and Jeanette cried out.

"Oh, come on!" Alvin and Brittany groaned.

"Uh, Ted?" Cherry called.

"What is it?" Ted asked dreamily.

"George is flying away." Cherry said.

"Yeah, like actually flying away." Atticus said.

"Oh, my gosh!" Ted panicked as George floated away with the balloons. "Just keep your head together and don't look down!"

"Mr. Ted, you have to save George!" Darla pleaded.

"Who, me?" Ted replied.

"YES, YOU!" the kids and Ms. Dunlop urged him.

"And sometime today!" Mo told him.

Ted then borrowed more and more balloons so he could fly up and catch up with George. "Here I goooo!"

The alligators attempted to snap at and bite him, but luckily they missed as he was hurdling toward the sky after his monkey. The lions nearly attacked Ted as the balloons lowered briefly, but luckily, he missed them too. George began to get nervous and worried as he was flying through the air.

"I hope they don't pop." Darla said.

The giraffes let George pass by and then Ted bumped against them which got their necks tied up in knots.

"Ooh, talk about sore throats..." Cherry winced at the poor giraffes.

George and Ted then ended near where there were kite-flyers.

"At least they are safe." Theodore said.

"This is sure to end up on the 6:00 news." Cherry muttered.

"Yep." Atticus nodded.

Patch's left ear leapt up and he gasped in worry.

"What is it?" Atticus asked his puppy.

"I heard some popping!" Patch panicked.

"You don't think it could be the balloons do you?" Mo asked.

"I'm worried it might be..." Patch looked nervous, he then rushed off to go check for himself.

Atticus did the same.

They came to see that the balloons were in fact popping from a higher building.

George's balloons all popped and he was falling through the air.

"I GOT YOU!" Ted rushed over, still having his balloons and a kite as he saved George's life. "Gotcha... I won't let you go..."

George looked up in worry as he had another memory flash through his mind.

We are shown the jungle George was born and mostly raised in, he was running through the trees and bushes as he was looking for his parents and he saw mean looking humans in a helicopter above with a bright light. The gorilla father looked down and held out his hand for George. George cried out and climbed up to take his father's hand, unfortunately, the helicopter was too much and the two's hands were separated and he fell through the air and landed in a bush and his parents were being taken away from him.

"George! George!" Ted called out as he tried to keep his grip on the monkey.

George climbed up in Ted's arms and hugged the man around his neck in a comforting hold. Ted could sense that something was wrong with George. He did his best to soothe the monkey and even called him by his name and liked the name as it suited the monkey very well. George smiled thankfully and longly to Ted as he felt a real connection with him.

"Looks like they're getting along." Mo smiled.

"At last..." Atticus sounded relieved.

Cherry Meets Curious GeorgeWhere stories live. Discover now