It is what it is

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Fuck you. Fuck me. Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck them. Fuck us. Fuck love. Fuck hate. Fuck friends. Fuck enemies. Fuck joy. Fuck sadness. None of it has a point anymore. No matter what you're feeling, it all in the same result: certain death at some point. Nothing matters, nothing is important. You could be the most successful person in the world, only to have it ripped from you just when you think it's secure. You could have found the person you thought you'd be with forever, only to have them tell you they love you and never hear from them again. You could have the best family you could ask for, only to be put into an abusive care house full of people you hate. You could have the prettiest smile and the brightest eyes, only to have a lifetime of pain and misery behind them. Why? Because in the game called Life, there are no winners. Just people who lose first and people who lose last. Sometimes, I just want to be disqualified from the game altogether...

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