I guess this is me

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I had watched the world- my world -

Crumble into tiny pieces of ash and dust.

Something that was so strong, shaking, breaking

Until there was nothing left

And then I thought,

If I could hold back the rain

Would you numb the pain

Would you take my regrets

Would you bring me back to where I was?

Would you make me happy again?

You ripped my heart out of my chest

And stole the air out of my lungs,

Without even giving me a chance to breathe.

Someone I felt was everything

Soon became something that was nothing

And when I received my heart again,

It was damaged. Not just broke

It was shattered into a billion micro- pieces

And I still wasn't able to breathe

Which made me feel like I was drowning

Slowly and I never thought

I would resurface for air.

Everything was surrounding me

But I couldn't move

People were talking

But I couldn't hear them

Everything felt so sure, like they make it seem

In the books

Then you realize;

They come and they go

A friend or a foe

They make you feel good

They make you feel great

They start to turn into something you hate

They make you smile

They make you cry

They make you wonder why?

Why am I alive?

They break you down

They build you up

They make life seem so corrupt

At the end of the day

When everything you want seems so far Away

And you feel like your life ceases to exist

Just take a look back at this

Everything you seemed to have missed

Is right in front of your face.

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