The Arrival

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The next day went by pretty fast as Joe kept working on upcoming projects and some other youtube stuff. He wanted to sleep late that day hoping to see Y/N but was so tired that he drowsed of at about 11 p.m.

Joe's POV

I was awoken by the sound of shuffling of someone's feet. I was instantly alert and sprang up and out of my bed but making close to no noise. As a youtuber there's a good chance that some eccentric person found your home address and is trying to break in.

So I tiptoed towards the door and peeked through the small gap. I was still in a trance of sleep and wasn't awake enough to think clearly. I could see a small shadow caused by the dim light in the living room. Someone was waking into the dining table area.

I walked out as slowly and quietly as I could. I made my way to the living room, hiding behind the giant pillars. I decided to go from behind and try to tackle the intruder. I crept up to the figure that was now heading towards the guest room.

As I was getting closer I realized that it was a girl. No surprise. There are some crazy fangirls out there. When I was at close proximity, I ran up and caught hold of her waist. She screamed so loud that I swear I was going deaf.

She tried to get herself free. She turned her face to see me and then it dawned upon me- Y/N was supposed to be here past midnight.

Oh my god. How could I have been so stupid? It was Y/N!!!! I immediately put her down. My face red with embarrassment.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" she screamed and it made me wince in the pain that was taking place in my ear. "You scared the life out of me, you idiot!"

"Oh my god I am so sorry Y/N, I thought it was some crazy person trying to break in!" I said.

"Why would you think that? You ain't that famous yet boy," She said, still yelling but I could see the smirk on her face after she said the last sentence.

"Oh would you please stop!" I said obviously feeling teased. She never failed to tease me even if it was the tinniest bit.

"Now that you are awake, help me get my stuff to my room lil joe."

"Stop calling me that! And yes I was going to offer."

"Okay then. Come on bellboy, scoot!"

"Oh haha so funny," I said, sarcasm drooling from my voice.

"Yeah I know, I'm funny," She said with a smug look on her face.

I helped her settle her luggage and then we chatted for a bit. I was feeling very sleepy and she noticed that.

"Go and sleep lil joe, your tiny body needs it," she said.

I would have argued but I was too tired to. So I clumsily walked back to my room after saying goodnight to her and fell asleep the instant my head touched the pillow.

*the next morning*


I woke up to the rays of sunshine stinging my eyes.

"Rise and shine lazybum," Joe said as he finished opening the blinds and was putting a few bits and pieces in place.

"Go away, let me sleep in peace," I said and dumped my face in a pillow.

"No Y/N you need to wake up! I took the day off. We can go out and do a little sightseeing," Joe said while he run his hand through his hair to get it in place.

"You can go alone. I need some sleep." I said my face still covered by the pillow.

"Oh come on!"

"God, okay! Just five more minutes!"

"Ugh okay then. Only five minutes yeah?"

"Whatever," I said and groaned in annoyance. He never let me sleep in peace.

Joe's POV

As the lethargic stubborn sloth she is, I knew it would take a lot of convincing to get her up. I looked through my phone as she clumsily got up and went to the bathroom. It took her forever to come out and then another hefty amount of time to get ready.

But finally we were out. She climbed into the front passenger seat and was on her phone. I got in and started the car. As I was backing up I caught a glance at her phone.

There was a text by her boyfriend Mark. She went pale as soon as she read it. I knew it was something bad. I could see her eyes get wet instantly but it looked like it took all of her strength to not cry then and there.

I looked at her, concerned.

"What happened Y/N?" I asked, furrowing my brow in concern and curiosity.

"Oh nothing!" she said as if waking up from a trance.

"It's got to be something, you don't seem alright," I said as gently as I could because I knew her temper about these things.

"OH MY GOD JOE IT'S NOTHING! WOULD YOU STOP ASKING THESE FREAKING QUESTIONS!" she said almost bursting to tears but controlled herself at the last minute.

She took a deep breath and mumbled something to herself.

She smiled and looked at me.

"Let's go now yeah?" she said as cheerful as she could pretend to be.

I asked no more questions because I knew it would only worsen the atmosphere.

The drive was very quiet until Y/N piped up and said, "Oh my god look at this!" I tried to look while driving but failed.

"Oh god okay I'll tell you what it is," she said as dissatisfied with me as ever.

"A big company just offered me to style their clothing for an advertisement!"

"Wow Y/N that's crazy news!" I said genuinely happy for her. She was reaching some awesome milestones of her life and I couldn't be more proud. "We should celebrate!" I said.

"What do you think we should do?"

"You know the place we went to the last time you were here? The place whose desserts fascinated you to no end?"

She giggled and said "Yes I do!"

"Well lets grab some lunch there and then try out every dessert on their menu,"

Her eyes widened and I instantly knew she was in.

"Oh my god really? Let's go then!"

We spent a lovely afternoon chatting and catching up with each other's life. We did talk almost daily over the phone and facetimed often but talking face to face felt more special and personal.

The day passed by pleasantly. We went to see a lot of new places that Y/N had never seen and enjoyed a lot. She understood me truly and I couldn't be more grateful for her.

But that text from Mark kept bugging me constantly. What did he say? Are they okay? I wanted to know because I wanted Y/N to be able to share her pain with me. It felt very out of place for her not to. Maybe it was too serious. Maybe she doesn't want to say it to me. Maybe its private and I am just getting in between them.

These thoughts occupied my mind all night as I struggled to sleep, turning form one side to another until I finally gave up on trying and took my laptop and finished some impending work.


I don't know what to do. I feel like someone just ripped the soul out of me and I am just a body walking around with nothing inside. I have never felt like this. This feeling that is taking over me, making my head spin and causing a defect in my daily functionality. I wish I hadn't come to London. I really do.

Author's note: The next chapter will be up tonight.

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