The Fight

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"Where are you? Why haven't you come yet?" 

I read the text and slapped a hand on my forehead. I had completely forgotten about Mark. I instantly replied:

"I am really sorry! I had completely forgotten about that. Really sorry!"

 He replied saying:

"Wtf, how do you even forget this? I was looking forward to seeing you. How can be so forgetful?"

"I am really sorry, I was working!"

"Working? Are you sure about that?"

"Uh yes!"

"Come over now!" 

"Whoa calm down, why are you being like that?"

"Because I am mad!" 

I didn't get why he was getting so angry. I didn't want to get him more mad so I got up and put on a coat on top of my pajamas and got out of the room.

It was around 12, so it wasn't that late.

Joe was in the dining room. 

"Hey are you going somewhere?" he asked, curious as to where I am going at this time of the night.

"Yeah, I had completely forgotten about going to see Mark. So I am just going there now."

"At this time? You can go tomorrow."

I didn't wanna say that Mark was angry so I just said, "I really have to go."

"Well let me drive you there." he said getting up.

"No, you don't have to do that. I'll be fine." I said, not wanting him and Mark face to face.

"Shuttup, I am not letting you go out alone this late." he said.

I melted internally. His protective side was my weakness.

I did my best to hide my smile.

"Ughh, okay then. Come on." I said, pretending to not care. I tried.

The drive there was quite, unusually quite. 

We arrived outside of Mark's hotel. 

I hesitated a bit and got out of the car. As I was hurrying inside, Joe said, "I will wait here!" 

"Oh no, you don't have to do that!" 

"Yes,  I do. Now go and come back soon." 

I smiled and turned around and started walking. I was so in love with that guy and there was no denying that.

I knocked on Mark's door. No answer. I turned the knob and it was open. I went in. He was lying in bed on his phone. 

"Hey," I said, and went in, closing the door on the way.

"Hey babe," he said, lust filling his eyes.

He came forward and kissed me. I didn't really wanna kiss him. 

"Uh listen, about that I am really sorry I forgot." I said, breaking the kiss.

"It's okay babe, you're here now." he said and started kissing my neck, slowly going down.

"I think we should talk." I said. There were many things I wanted to sort out if we were gonna be in a relationship.

He just continued, ignoring my words.

"Are you even listening?" I asked.

"We can talk later. Let's just have some fun now."

I knew what "fun" meant and I was in no mood for it.

"We should talk really." I said trying to lightly push him away.

He ignored me once again and pulled at the hem of my shirt, in attempt to take it off.

I pushed his hand away.

"Why aren't you listening?" I said, getting annoyed.

"What do you even want to talk about?" he asked, with bored eyes.

"Do you not want to sort our relationship out?" I asked.

"What is there to sort?" he asked, not caring one bit about the topic.

"Are you being serious right now?" I asked, now getting angry.

"Please Y/N. Let's just appreciate the time we are having together." he said trying to hold me.

I swat his hand away. 

"And by 'appreciate' you mean just have sex?" 

"Of course not, babe." he said, acting like he actually cared. "I am just saying we can talk about that later."

"You know what, Joe was right about you, you don't deserve me!" I said and instantly regretted saying that.

This was not going to end well.

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