The Solution

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Y/N's POV:

As we entered the club, I could feel my entire body vibrate to the beats of the music. The lights were fairly dim except for the ones on the bar. We headed to the bar but I made sure to NOT drink. Caspar chugged in his first drink, then his second and third...and so on. Thus he was drunk and headed to the dance floor.

That left Joe and I alone there. He glanced at me and caught me looking at him. I looked away quickly, embarrassed. I decided to head to the dance floor. I looked over my shoulder as I was walking to where Caspar was. Joe was still sitting, alone. I felt bad but the awkwardness was getting unbearable.

Caspar was too far away so I just stuck to my spot.

Then suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned quickly thinking it was Joe.

But it wasn't, it was Mark.

Joe's POV:

The awkwardness between us was increasing. I wanted things to be normal but didn't know what to do. So when Y/N headed to the dance floor I wanted to follow her.

But as I was going to stand up, I saw someone approaching Y/N. I stopped. It was Mark.

I was stuck in my position. What was he doing here? Why is he here? Why is he talking to Y/N? I felt all these questions rush into my mind. But most importantly, I felt anger building up inside of me.

He broke Y/N's heart and cheated on her. He will definitely get a piece of me.

I walked over to them. I put my hand on Mark's shoulder and as he turned around, I grabbed him by the collar.

"What is wrong with you dude?" Mark said, looking annoyed.

"What are you doing here?" I said through gritted teeth.

"I am here for my baby," He said with a evil smirk.

I knew he was here to use Y/N and then dump her again.

"Shut your filthy mouth, you-"

I was cut off by Y/N who grasped my hand that was on Mark's collar and removed it roughly.

"What do you think you are doing Joe!" Y/N said as if she was angry with me.

"What do you mean Y/N?" I asked obviously confused.

"He is here for me, didn't you hear?"

"But Y/N this shit used you-"

"Shut up Joe!"

"You can't be serious!"

"Well I am! And this is none of your business," Y/N said looking at me straight in the eye and I swear saw her eyes glistening.

I was dumbfounded. Y/N was defending him? Why would she do that? What did he say to her?

I was so furious but inside I could feel jealousy arousing. I didn't want to feel jealous but I couldn't help myself. When she took her arm and walked away, I couldn't help but feel jealous and sad.

Why was I jealous? I shouldn't react this way. But I am. What is happening?

Y/N's POV:

I could feel tears in my eyes as I took Mark's arm and led him out of the club. I shouldn't have said those things to Joe. He looked heartbroken. I tried to erase the image of him standing there alone, hurt evident in his eyes.

I didn't know why I reacted that way. I should have just explained things to Joe. But instead I got mad. I walked with Mark through the streets illuminated by streetlights.

"Hey babe," Mark said, distracting me from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I said, looking at him.

"I am really sorry once again for what happened, I was really drunk. Beyond drunk really and didn't think once about what I was doing. I am really sorry," Mark said and gave me the sad puppy eyes that made me fall for his every excuse.

"It's okay, I guess. As long as you don't do it again," I said, unsure of what else to say.

"I won't, I promise," He said.

Then he slipped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I lay my head on his chest. It was a nice feeling but not what I felt when I lay with Joe. He was something else, something more fulfilling and more warm. I felt myself drift into these thoughts once again.

"What do you say we go back to my hotel and you stay in for the night?" Mark said and winked.

I knew what that meant. I didn't really want to do anything at that time but he insisted and I agreed.

We took a taxi to his hotel and in the taxi he tried to feel me up but instead of that providing pleasure, it made me feel uncomfortable. I really don't know why but it wasn't like Joe. Mark's not Joe. But why am I thinking so much about Joe?

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