Safe Haven

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Ch.2 Safe Haven

I knew the end was coming. "Croooaak" I heard again. It seemed closer. What the heck was that noise? Where was it coming from?

Suddenly I had another flashback:

Science class--- 3rd grade

"Now remember kids, when we are in our hiking trip just remember to sketch a picture of An animal that you see." My spunky and curly haired teacher said.

----Fast forward ---

I crunched in the forest at the Oxley Nature Center at the Tulsa Zoo. "Croak" I heard. My teacher turned around announced to the class that, whenever you hear a toad croak, that you are near water......



I broke out of the haze I was in and pushed my self off the ground so hard, that I almost fell over in the opposite direction.

The moment I put my left foot down, a searing pain shot up into my leg. My ankle was swollen. "Shoot", I muttered.

My ankle was swollen.

I began to hobble forward. then right as I got view of the pond, the animal reawakened inside of me and I got there in the blink of my eyes and I was shoveling water into my mouth.

I smiled with my cracked lips.

I recalled a song- I will survive, I will survive! I began to hum it. then reality hit me. I still don't know who i am. name? Not even my name.

Hopelessness filled me. No shoes, a faded red shirt and some black basketball shorts. I wore decaying clothes, I had no memory--Heck, i didn't even know anything. I feel like a fat kid who just dropped their icecream on the ground, and can't bend over to pick it up.

I looked at my reflection, big brown eyes, puffy and out of control curly hair. I was coated in grime and my brown skin could barley be seen from underneath it all.

My tears began to make little ripples in the water. I don't know who I am. my gaze began to focus on a tree that was reflecting of the water. I turned around to get a better look at it.

"Is that what I think it is!?!", not bothered by how loud I yelled it. It was of medium height but it had a type of long fruit hanging off of it. wait one second.....It is a BANANA TREE!!!


Not only do I have a water hole, but I now have a food source. This truly was a safe haven!

I scurried up the tree and dropped a whole bunch of bananas. I gorged myself on the delicious yellow fruit.

With a full belly I laid in a ray if sunshine that struggled to shine through the canopy. I curled into a ball and fell asleep with, with at least the basic things my broken life needed. With a small nap, I never realized what train wreck was heading my way on such a short notice.

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