Opperation Recon

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The man pulled a buch of bannanas from off the tree and then scurried down.


"I did it," the man with the bannas said triumphantly. (bananna man)

 "Well, now you have to share, amigo.", the man with a mustache said. (mustache man).

The three men began to laugh, clearly at an inside joke untill suddenly the lady told them to shut up. They all stopped at once, which showed me that she was the leader. I hated her already and I felt like a knew her. However it was not a good knowing, it wasn't a normal type of hate either. It wasn't a, I hate doing work, kind of thing. It was a, I hate the devil, kind of hate. 

"Where can she be?" the lady spat.

"We have been searching near the waterfall for a couple of days, and checking the sourounding forest. Do you think she's even around here? I bet she died and the animals ate her." the third guy said, trying hard not to provoke the ladies wrath.

She went up to him and savagely hit him with her silver gun. He whimpered and said repeatedly mummbled his apology and put his hands in a surrender position. 

"She stole the money that our bosses need, and she knows too much. She has litteraly seen every secret we have. She can't be dead, because her presence is written all over this area. We need her to find the money. And once we have the money, than...." The lady said loudly and motioned to mustance man. "We kill her!" He said with a bloodthirsty grin. I wondered if she was yelling because she knew i must be near. 

I nearly fainted. That devil lady just said that I had to die. 

The lady had a smile curved up on her lips. "Now stooges, we are going back to the compound, I have to inform the Boss about this." She began to walk away and ran her fingers along the bark of the tree I was at. My breath caught in my throat, but she began walking again.

The three men scrambled after her, like lost puppies. 

I waited a few minutes for them to leave. I jumped down out of the tree and landed on my ankle. "Owwww!" I forgot, I already twisted it. I followed the trail of footsteps. 

I hiked for a couple of hours, up hills and down them. It took that long because they were looking for me the whole time. They took rest stops and looked in random places for me. I wondered if they were going slow so I could keep up with them. I quickly shook my head. I am clearly being too paranoid right now. I just had to focus on where we were going and how to get back. I secretly marked my way with pieces of my already ripping shirt.

The sun began to set, when finally I saw a black building cleaverly hidden among the trees rise behind the last hill we crossed. across from that was a large clearing....probably for helacopters and planes to land. I do remember ceritan things, well I am done being happy about it, there is too much going on to pay attention to something that petty. 

I found a tall tree to climb up in and sleep for the night. I slipped twice, but I knew I could not risk these people finding me.

As I lay watching the orange glow of the sun sink below the horizon I begin to think about what that woman said about stealing that money. How much money? I asked myself. Thousands of stars reflected in my brown eyes as I pondered this question. 

I nesseld against the moss of the tree. I was at least 30 feet up in that branch.

I closed my eyes knowing that I need the sleep for what I was about to do, Enter the Lions Den.

In the morning I will have to scout and check everything. Watch the guards and their movements- and time everything out...to a tee. And thats just what I did.

I woke up and scouted but then I decided the best was to draw the guards away. There were too many for me to possible get around. I arrogantly strode out into the middle of the mini clearing for the compound and shouted,"Come and get me Suckas!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The guards looked at me and I could tell that a dawn of recognition shone bright on there face because they all began to chase me. If the lady already knew I was still alive, why hide that I'm here? I sprinted away and soon found myself running along a familiar path. It soon led to a bend where I Could see the rushing river. 

The men began to shout,"Don't let the same thing happen again." I could see the determination etched into their faces as the chase began.

"I think It is," I shouted back. Well  that comment brought on some very strong language from behind me.

I sprinted untill I could see the familiar rainbow of the waterfall and the roaring of the water as it cascaded down. Suddenly from behind a hand grabbed my foot as I took the leap off the waterfall. 

I smashed into the rocks on the side of the cliff. I clenched my teeth as I collided with the wall. An even worse pain shot up my leg that left tears in my eyes. That soldier grabbed my twisted ankle. What a jerk. He held on to me as he called for help. That ment that he was the fastest runner and was probably 20 feet ahead of the rest of the pack. Do i even know how to fight I asked myself? Miracuously I went into flashback mode.


"Welcome to Kai's Karate School," a chinese man said to a crowd in the dojo. Everyone cheered. There was me standing behind him along with a couple of other kids standing in a row. We went through a ceremony and got our new belts....a blue one. That was pretty good I thought. We did a few Karate moves and each showed what we were best at. Me, defense....

It soon ended and my family which was a blur...I couldn't see their faces but i new they were so happy with me. A younge man came up to me...his face the most blured. "Good job you silly girl." "Haha thanks  you." I replied.


I woke up with the men sourounding me to see if I was ok. I clocked the first guy who was closest and then the next and then the next. Men would come at me and I would give my evil grin and knock them out too. Sweat was pouring off of my face and soon there was no one left to fight. "No one else wants to get schooled?" I yelled. This seemed like the me from my memories.

I dragged all their bodies deep into the jungle...where they would be semi confused for a while but would eventually get out. I would not kill them. No matter how much I tried to rationalize with myself that killing them would make my life easier in the long run, I couldn't do it. I don't know what it would take for me to take someone's life. I made my way back to the compound, walking with I guess my memory would call swagger. I smiled broadly because my plan accually worked. Nothing out of the blue happend and now I'm going to figure all of this stuff out.

I scouted around the perimeter as soon as I got back. I ran along the chain link fence to where I luckily found a part curved up but hidden by a clump of grass. I only discovered it because I had felt something drawing me over there, distant memory pointing me in the right direction. I looked over and saw a glint of something shining in the grass right before I crawled underneath the fence. I grabbed it, this thing, and saw that it was a combat knife. I stuck it in my shorts- between my skin and the elastic that was wearing out in my shorts.

I pushed myself underneath only to scrape my back on the sharp points sticking out of the fence. I stiffled my cry and continued on to the ungarded back door. I guess these people never expected someone to break in, or out. Since I apparently already did that. 

I opened the white door and entered the building to find out what was lost.

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