Out of the Fire

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It was a set up, it just had to be. Jessica said that the coast was clear. She was a liar. We only needed to get out, but instead we are trapped. It not only managed to be filled with guards, but we were surrounded. I knew she was evil. These men weren't here to negotiate or tell us to give up. these men were here to kill, a couple men had wicked grins on their faces. Eli was somehow prepared though. He immediatly stuck at one of the guards to the left and used him as a sheild while taking his gun. My mouth dropped. How is he so calm and not feeling hatred toward Jessica? Why are these things happeining to me? An evil lady and highly trained prisoner, acompanied by an annesiac. "What a lovely trio." I quietly mumbled. When we caught, I would make sure Jessica paid the same price we would. What a lovely trio indeed. I knew that mentally if I focused on the current situation

Eli roughly grabbed my arm in a death grip and we began running away into the jungle. Somehow Eli managed to take out a small section while I was thinking and got us a way out. The loud pops of guns jolted my mind awake to the rapidly darkening situation. Eli shot back and I saw 2 men crumple to the ground like puppets. "Run." was the word that tore through my mind and shone in my eyes. It pull-sated though my legs and made my heart pound. I could hear bullets whizzing by us, and causing the dirt to fly up around us.

Dirt stung my legs and cheeks as it flew up but the pain didn't register as I ran as fast as my legs could carry me and how much faster Eli could drag me. Eli's usually hard face was rapidly filling with fear but I didn't notice.

Suddenly blood splatered on my face. I heard him yelp out in pain. I whipped my head up from staring straight at Eli's feet. His side was bleeding. He was shot.

The sight of the blood made me want to vomit. The coppery smell combined with bright red color made me loose focus on the gunfire. I felt the bile start to rise in my throat. Eli must have seen my face casue he squeezed my arm even harder and pulled me along at an even faster pace. He is shot. How is he able to speed up? I took a quick glance back and saw the men coming after us.

After an hour of running, I took the lead. We were in my part of the jungle and I told him where we should go. It took a while to notice but Eli had a big black bag that was stuffed. Things were poking out the sides, but my fear kept me from looking back anymore. Then I was reminded of something else.

Eli got shot. My rescuer was shot.

What do you do if someone is shot? Is he going to bleed out? Something inside of me didn't want him to die. I feel safe around him even though I don't know him. We were sprinting the whole time we talked so we changed our direction and began running in a semi- familiar jungle back over hills and over wild game trails. We were running at full speed when my twisted ankle caught on a root and I heard it give a snap. I began to hyperventilate....My hands began to shake and my foot flopped to an abnormal side of where it should be. Eli covered my mouth before I let out a death curling scream.

Black began to take over my vision and the pain in my leg seared up through my calves and thigh and seemed to affect my whole body. "I snapped it," I kept murmering over and over. I closed my eyes but forced them open agian. I can't make Eli carry me, I am such a burden. I saw Eli's face saying words but I could focus on what he was saying.

Then I saw him run off. Panic flared up in me. I am a burden, he can't risk getting caught with a clutz like me. Breaking my foot and getting beat up and being clueless. I am completely useless to him. I didn't want to be left alone in the dark jungle. Anger rose up in my soul though. He ran just like the coward he was. I was a fool to think I could trust him. A fool to think that I was safe. "Coward" I yelled out. I don't care how loud I was. Let those men come and find me. I'll show them what's up. My leg was pulsing with pain. My whole body was throbbing. I had to do something, I decided I just can't sit here and wait for people to find me.

I struggled to get up, letting out puffs of air. The pain was worse than any of the headaches that I've had.

I got up on my one leg and tried to figure out how to fix my leg. An idea popped in my head. Of course! I needed a splint with some crutches. The pain shooting up my leg and the noises like snapping twigs and other the strange silences began to weigh on me. Paranoia and I was slipping into a form of histeria. I knew that the guards would be combing the jungle for us. It was only a matter of time. The sun would set soon and not only would I have to stay away from men, but from the wild animals. Plus with my broken ankle, there would be no way I could escape anything. I Hobbled to a tree and slid down it. There was nothing I can do. The pain is too much. Suddenly a thought popped up in my head. I still had my paper about me. I the paper out of my shorts and began to read.


Name: Opal Peterson

Age currently: 16

Observation Log: She has left the compound several times for some reason. Not sure why this was allowed. There might be others that are involved. May 1, 2011


Seen talking to same soldier several times. Now is talking to 2 others regularly. Something is up. June 16, 2011


Normal duties. Is working great. Can take the many beatings. Jan. 23, 2012


Opal escaped with billions. Can't replace those because we were cyber heighted at the same time. The bosses need that money. Must get money back. Definitly worked with others. Must find the source of leak. Eli is no longer a suspect. Proved loyalty yet again. August 9, 2012



Tears began to pour from my eyes. How long have I been here? This didn't help me. It accually did the opposite of help. What does any of this mean? I balled up the paper in frustration and threw it in the darkness of the jungle. I closed my eyes and fell asleep crying.

I heard something crunch on some twigs and I silently said my prayers. Goodbye world. I didn't want to know my untimely demise so I kept my eyes peacefully shut. Pain immediatly seared to another leevel in my foot. Someone was gripping my leg on both sides and wrapping it really tightly. I let out a low cry.

I looked up only to see .....Eli.

sorry for taking forever to update.....i had writers block. Yep well thanks everyone for reading!!!

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