Uninvited Guests

219 13 14

I woke with a start. I heard muffled talking. There were people nearby. Quickly before my panic could freeze me on the spot I looked for a hiding place. I looked at the pond, nope don't wanna hide there. Then I looked at a clump of giant Elaphant Ears. Nope, too predictable. Everyone hides in grass on the movies. I could hear them getting closer. Panic began to pound in my ears, which caused my heart beat to rhythm to speed up.

I looked for something that I could climb. "AH HA!", I whispered. The tree next to the bananna tree! I claw my way up the tree, reaching my hands for the tall branches and slowly making my way higher up. It was a large and decrepid tree, with winding roots that snaked over the ground and branches that reached well onto the top side of the canopy. The amount of vines it held was aw inspiring itself. I found a spot where the leaves covered my body and the vines would be like a curtian. I hoped it would cut out all chances of being seen.

I kept shoving myself deeper an deeper into the tree. I could hear my heart, over the noise of the talking and everythin else. "They are gunna find me", my heart screamed. The people finally emerged from the humid jungle and into my clearing. It was led by a woman but had three guys tailing her. They all had big guns, and they carried them with a, I'm-untouchable kind of way. It would have made me angry if i wasn't so terrified. The woman had long, medium, dark brown hair that fell past her shoulder blades. Her face however betrayed her age, which showed she was in her late twenties. Although she would've still held a beautiful air around her, if

I started to breath hard, although it was silent. A tiny trails of sweat began to trickle their way off my temples to my cheeks.

There were bananna peels on the ground and my footprints in the mud by the pond. "No, they know I'm here." I suddenly went into flashback mode, and i knew i could wake up out of it screaming. Before I could drift off, I stuck some vines in my mouth, even if i scream they shouldn't hear me.......


I was sprinting away a horde of men who were shouting orders while running after me. There was no way i could outrun them. Somehow the jungle around me was familiar and i careened around a familiar bend only to meet up with a rushing river. I ran along side it and could feel the men slowly closing the gap on me.

I smirked....."Typical" i said.

(What the.....) me thinking in real time.

I knew in my heart what was coming into view, I already knew what i was going to do.

Tears began to well up in my eyes and I whispered,"Goodbye" to someone.

(Goodbye to who?)

The men were even closer and they had started to aim their guns at my legs to slow me down.

They can't kill me, but there is no other way. The death of a few means something if it saves many.

(The waterfall---The cliff. I pieced it together....I was going to jump)

My feet began to speed up. My foot landed on the edge on the side of the waterfall. I launched myself into the air and began to fall.... "AHHHHHHHHHHH...."

"NOOOOOOOOOOOO" I heard the distant sound of men scream from above.


I came back to myself and began to gag immediatly on the vines. I quickly pulled them out of my mouth and wiped away some spit on my face. Those people were still here though. What was I going to do? They were checking everywhere for me. One of the men seemed to be staring directly at me...my blood turned to ice as he began to make his way towards the tree....to me.

I was so scarred i thought I was about to start crying right there on the spot.

Light glinted off of the gun he was holding as he carefully slung it from its postion of his hands to his back. He slowly walked over to my tree and then he began to climb the tree.

"Opal," the lady said,"Come on out sweety, we aren't going to hurt you."

Again I was shocked. My name began to swim around in my head and say,"Of course I'm your name!" the way she said, sweety, made me cringe.

I was tempted to scream. To run. To do anything but listen to this woman and her evil voice.

No, I told myself. I need to hear what she is talking about and I also need to follow her.

The man smiled as the continued his climb up. Please, No.

He then grabbed a branch nearby me and began to pull on it.

This is it.....they are going to find me.

I will be doing a once a week publish thing.....so I'll just try and publish the chapters on a Wednesday. Thanks for all the support!!! Also I'll start to dedicate my chapters to people who comment....cause i really do like to read what people have to say! Thanks :)

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