In the Lion's Den

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The door opened and I ran down the white hallways. Somehow I new where I was going, but I couldn't remember which door held the files or the..... my memory couldn't find any more words to help fill the gaps. I'm glad my memory is coming back, but there are still too many gaps. I rolled my eyes at myself, this is like the 39th time i've had my memory drop off like that. If I could just remember, than everything would be so much easier.

I peeked around a corner and saw two guards walking down the hallway. They were thankfully heading away from me. I noiselessly ran after them, all the while checking almost every single door.

Suddenly the guards got a call on the walkie-talkie and started to come back the way they just came. My heart beat sped up and I reached for the nearest door knob. "Please be open, pretty please." I whispered to myself.

I practically fell in the room by the time I closed the door. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my thumping heart. Suddenly my eyes snapped open and I stared into the dark brown eyes of a man.

I almost screamed but I quickly saw that he was tied up and gagged. His own eyes widened in confusion, happiness and something else. He also had dried tear streaks on his face. I slowly pulled my knife out and gripped it white knuckled. I could tell he was having a battle in his mind. I inched forward.....maybe he was good, that's why he was locked up? Right? Either that or he was too bad for the people to handle. In my gut, I felt that I needed to untie him. I guess you could call it intuition. I slowly made my way up to the man and flashed my knife at him. I was hoping to see fear in his eyes but all I could see was happiness. I walked behind his chair, because his hands were tied up in the back.

I wedged the knife between his hands and sawed through the ropes. I saw that there were rope burns and drying blood on his hands. I cut the rest of the ropes off his body but not his feet. He could untie that himself. Plus if he did try something, I'd have a few extra seconds for my escape. Although I had that deep burning feeling inside of my gut that I was safe. I pushed my confused feelings asdie and before he could awaken from his shock I ran out of the room and safetly stuck the knife back in its hiding place.

I ran around corners untill I smacked face first into the door and landed on my behind. "Oh my head!" I whispered. Now I have a headache again. I stood up and held onto the wall for support. The world started to spin- "uhhhhhhhh" , I mummbled. Get a hold of yourself! I yelled at internally. I twisted the knob and fumbled in the room. No one in this room either. "What is the deal with this place?" I said outloud. This place was a computer lab. With at least 20 computers but strangely no workers. "Because having this many computers is totally necessary for no one to use." I spoke at no one. I jumped on the nearest computer and pulled up all the files. Somehow I wound up finding a file on myself. "Why not." I said sarcastically. I pushed the print button and went to take one paper out. I folded it and stuck it between the elastic of my shorts, along with the knife. I then proceded to get rid of the computer that I used. there can be no evidence of what I printed. 

Just as I smashed the modem, I turned around, only to see a man with a devilish smirk on his face. Before I could even think to pull my knife out, he pounced on me like a cat. I screamed, he slapped. Blood from my cut bottom lip began to drip while I wiggled to free my hand from his grasp. As I did so, I clawed at his face. My nails are very long and made jagged lines as I dragged them across his face. Somewhere in the scuffle I had wriggled from the ground and was at my feet. The only down side was that the attacker had me cornerd. He growled in pain but came at me once more. His slaps turned into one hard punch. My vision started to go double. saw the world began to blur and then combine into a massive heap of black.

When I came too, I was being carried over the shoulder by someone and I was still within the compound. The white walls all around assured me of that simple fact.

Not only did my head hurt, my face stung. My head felt like something was knawing on it from the inside out, which make me sick to my stomach. "Blahlkhhlkdahkladfshkldf" I just threw up on the guy. He quickly gave a long sigh but didn't take me off his shoulder. "Serves you right for taking me..." I mummbled. His only answer was a grumble.

He jogged into a room and quietly closed the door behind him. I heard a group of men run by, their feet pitter-pattering on the concrete floors. He set me down in a chair and began pacing back and forth. I could only watch him like a child in awe. Then anger shot up through me. "You missed the exit!" I whisper hissed. "Shhhhhh" he shot back. My eyebrows raised as if to say, did you really just say that to me?

He ignored me and continued pacing back and forth. I need to get out of here with this crazy man. Then it dawned on me, finally. This is the man who I saved! I let a nutcase escape, who turns around and captures me and doesn't tell me what he wants. "What have I done?" I said out loud. He looked at me with a hard expression. "Shut up." He spat. my mouth formed a big O. Which showed my confusion. Who saves someone and then yells at them. I closed my mouth and balled my fists which showed how much I wanted to pounce him and beat the living day lights out of him. I was gearing up to it as we looked each other in the eyes like savages.

A sudden knock on the door came and I Covered my mouth with my bruised hands, gasping. He turned around as if he was expecting it and opened the door. "What are you doi....." The woman from the forest popped in. I roared as I jumped at her. I knocked her over and tried to punch her but the man grabbed me by the waist and threw me off. "What has gotten into you Opal?" the man said. He gave me this look, that I wanted to smack off his face. "Well hello there, my name is Jessica." the evil woman said. There was too much going on for me to process what was happening. FIrst off, how did this guy know what my name was. Second Jessica- really? Third my head still is spinning and lastly, What in the World is happening? I must have just stood there looking stupid because she quickly turned her attention away from me and began talking to the man.

It was strange, It was like a child easdropping on their parents late one night. "HOLD UP. What is happening?" I related to them what I was thinking and even added in the," This lady Is the devil!" Her face when I said that made a wicked smile come across my face and I ignored her and kept talking to the man. He didn't say one word untill the end of the story and just stood there eyeballing me. I finished my exasperating story with a huff. "Now is not the time." He said harshly. I wanted to scream and shout! Listen to me you doofus! I almost said. I sat on the ground too frustrated to do anything else.

They kept on their conversation while I stared at the floor. I was too mad and angry to look up at them. I heard Jessica say,"I have to check if the coast is clear, so you two can get out of here. Cause before there were tons of men swarming the exit last time I checked." "Ok, hurry though, she is starting to scare me a little bit." the man stated while looking back at me.

I wanted to hit him in his jaw, so bad! How dare he say that I am scaring him. Of all things it should be the other way around! I don't even know the man, and he's talking like he knew me. Jessica left the room, leaving the man and me alone. "My name is Eli." he suddenly said and stuck out his hand. Although the gesture seemed nice his eyes showed that he was thinking deeply. I however did not accept his handshake. "I assume my name is Opal." I answered coolly. He sensed his handshake would not be returned and pulled back. Ouch Eli, burn!!! I said in my mind. I wanted to ask more questions and I could tell he wanted to ask me some too but of course Jessica had to ruin everything.

Now an alarm was going off, "Traiter" I said when I walked past her on the way out of the room. She rolled her eyes at me. Eli shook his head like we were two kids who bickered all the time. She pulled in the front and explained that she had led the guards to believe I was somewhere in the bushes on the side furthest from us. I found her story to be unbelievable. She is such a liar, I told myself. With that, we ran off to the exit- with Jessica telling us she had to leave and through the door into a group of men carrying guns. They were suprised to see us, but lifted their guns at the ready.

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