Betrayal is a Bitter Drink

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Three days went by as we searched for the money. We had to run away from some soldiers a couple times. The X's on the map, to my fear are only leading us closer to the waterfall. I pretended that I 'remembered' something and a few times managed to get us off track. The problem is, the more places that were marked off on the map, the more open the waterfall was. I also couldn't try any harder because then Eli would notice something was off with me for sure. "Then," I accidently said out loud. I pulled myself out of my deep thinking and looked at Eli while we were making our way to the waterfall. I hope he didn't hear me. We continued through the jungle, pushing past vibrant green ferns and all other sorts of green plant life. "Almost there Opal." Eli said in short breaths.

I imagined myself slamming my head against a wall repeatedly. I kept trying to remind myself to think about one problem at a time. All of it came too fast, the sound of water crashing down on rocks. It was such a familiar sound, that I was thrown back into my memories.



I was still falling off the waterfall. Falling to my death. The men above were still screaming no. Tears flew up and out of my eyes. The ice cold water wet my back and soon engulfed my whole body. The didn't even bother holding my breath. To die here, right now, would save them. They wouldn't be able to use any leverage against them to tell them where the money is hidden.  I fell and pinwheeled off of rocks. Finally, I crashed into the water at the bottom of the waterfall and was swept in it's deadly current. I somehow was at the surface and I breathed in the air. I knew the soldiers could see me, but I hoped they wouldn't come after me. I hoped they would think I was dead. I was happy for the air as I stuggled above the cold currents. Then I saw them, the rocks. They were huge bolders hidden halfway in the river. I tried to swim around one, but my leg was not so lucky. I wanted to scream, but the moment I opened my mouth to do so, water rushed in. I gagged and was pulled under water. When I surfaced, it was too late. There was a rock that I slammed into. My head taking the brunt of the impact and I wished for a swift end. I resined myself to my fate and stopped struggleing altogether. However, instead of sinking to the bottom I rose to the top. I didn't care though, I felt extremely tired. Eventually I washed up on a shore. When I could better control my body, I slowly pushed myself off the ground and ignored the tiny puddle of blood where my head was. I could faintly hear the shouts of men, and I ran. I ran into the jungle, desperate to get away.


"That's how I got amnesia." I said in my head. 

Eli shook me. "Opal! What's wrong? Snap out of it!" He yelled at me. 

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" I yelled back at him and shoved his arms off of me.

He sighed. "You spaced out and just started staring at the waterfall for 30 minutes. I was worried about you."

He was worried about me? The family killer was worried about me? I breathed hard and focused on keeping my rage in a cage. Use him for the money. That's all I need to do. Then I can run away and turn him in. "Well Eli, I'm fine." I huffed. Eli shook his head at me and told me to be careful becuase the rocks are slippery. I rolled my eyes. "I am not a baby." I spat back. With everything that I've done, I would never be treated like a child again.

 We were at the base of the waterfall and my eyes quickly drifted up to the ledge that was in my flashback. "Think it's up there?" Eli asked, watching me intently. I froze up, to shocked to say anything. "N- No, but it seems familiar." I answered quickly. He only nodded. "Let's check there first. We don't want to waste time. " He said. Fear shook through me, but then again I did have one trick up my sleeve. I took out a walkie- talkie and pressed the butten. Jessica had given it to me and told me that if I ever found the money, that I should call her so she can help me. I watched Eli climb up to the ledge and start inching his way behind the waterfall. I heard a beep come back and I whispered. "We are at the waterfall. Found the money. Meet at the top."

"Roger." I heard Jessica say exictedly back. 

It felt as if a bolder had been lifted from around my shoulders. Now I just have to get ahold of the money. I grabbed onto the rocks and pulled myself up. While I was sliding my feet across the ledge to get inside of the cave, I couldn't help the feeling of satisfaction that ran through me. I was going to get the money, Eli was going to get caught, and Jessica and I were going to have the money. The cave was dark, but Eli was prepared. He had head lamps in his black bag, that he always carried. We clicked the lights on and followed the cave back. "Seem familiar?" Eli asked. "No, not the inside." I answered. It looked completly different with light, than without it. We got further and farther untill we came to the small crevice at the very back. Somehow Eli squeexed through and I followed after him. It opened up to a large cavern and in the center was a rope ladder. I heard a noise coming from me. It was the walkie- talkie. "Here" It crackled on its lowest volume. "It's here!" Eli cheered. "We found it! You did it Opal!" 

"Thanks, Eli!" I faked joy. I smiled, justice will soon be served. Eli looked at me and grabbed the bags and began to climb up the ladder. I saw a note fall out of Eli's bag and fall down to the floor. I picked it up and opened it.

Dear Opal,

I'm sorry. No matter how much I wanted you not to come here with me. I couldn't stop you. You've always been like that. Ever since you were a little girl. No one could stop you. Not our parents, not your friends, and never me. But now that I think about it, I couldn't have done it without you. I hope you never get to read this letter because if you do, that means that my time is running thin. I don't really know how to tell you this. When you untied me after I was caught in the compound, you looked at me like you didn't know me. I knew that something happened to you and I was relieved that you didn't remember me. I thought maybe I could get you home and end things here without you getting hurt. Then that would make leaving you, much easier. I'm not going to beat around the bush anymore. I am your brother. I love you. And always remember that. 

- Eli

Something in my mind clicked. I've heard that before. It's my brothers favorite saying. Everything was coming back. All the faces in my memories filled in. Eli was my brother. There are others here to help  bring this place down. Then the truth kicked me in the face. I remembered that he didn't kill my family. I went along with Eli to end the drug ring. That was the cover story. I covered my mouth in horror. If Eli is the truth, than what does that make Jessica? I have done something terrible. "Eli!" I screamed, but it was too late. He was already through the top. I hurried up the ladder and up to the top, only to see Eli with his hand up in surrender. Jessica and her men were at the top of the waterfall, and so were we. I climbed up next to Eli and stood right beside him. He looked in my eyes and even though we didn't speak a word. I knew he knew what I did. I held out the paper to him and his eyes moistened.

"Brother." I whispered. "Pipsqueak." He whispered back. 

A single gun shot went off and all I could do was scream. 


 Wow only a couple chapters left...

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