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Sorry about the not accual update. I know that your problably like, Hey write already! We're sick of waiting. And sorry about not updating all of the time. Ya i don't really have an excuse for that. But don't worry I will be finishing this story and hopefully alot of people will read it one day. Anyways I'm making a pretty big decision, not that big but for me big. I'm going to ride a dinosuar to Atlantis. Bam! wasn't expecting that!!! Not really doing that, cause I did that yesterday.

Well, I have decided that I will do my best to update but I also am revising all the chapters, because frankly they suck. I litterally just read them and I want to say thanks everyone for sticking with this book because you all rock. I am going to make all of it better, I promise because the beginning wasn't super realistic. I mean she wasn't freaked out or anything- it was like she was enjoying it. Of course that's cause I would enjoy something like that. Waking up in the jungle....How cool is that? Pretty darn cool if you ask me.

 Also no matter how boring a chapter, each one is still important.

So just leave any comments  for me even though only like three have done that for my book so far, but you know just so I feel cool for once, I'm pretending that someone will accually comment. Hahaha! :)

well happy reading people. Stay cool and wait for Opal and What's his face, Eli to run through the jungle away from drug dealers! Fun stuff

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