bucky barnes imagine part 13

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"I can't believe that I lost her again!" Bucky said and punched the wall.

"It wasn't your fault bucky" Steve said and held buckys shoulder.

"It was! I left (Y/N) alone in the hall! The guards captured her!" Bucky shouted.

Suddenly the door knocked. Steve opened the door and his eyes were wide open. "(Y/N)?" Steve said. Bucky immediately turned around to look at you. "(Y/N)!!" bucky said and hugged you. "Hey bucky" you said and smiled. You were actually under cover. You still didnt remember him. Dr Wilford told you to act like you remembered them but you didn't.

"How did you come here?" Bucky said and held your hand.

"I ran away when I had the chance." You said.

"I'm glad your back (Y/N)." Bucky said and kissed you.

Your heart was beating fast inside. You were kissed by the man who was your mission. You had to keep calm.

"I need some rest. Can I go to my room?" You asked.

"Of course (Y/N) it's been a long day." Bucky said and led you to your room.

"Good night (Y/N)" bucky said and was about to leave when you held his hand and said "can you stay? Please"

Bucky caressed your cheek and said "I would love to"

The next morning you went to the kitchen for some breakfast. You sat next to bucky and looked at him. Bucky smiled and held your hand.

"Are you guys going to eat or not. I'm gonna get sick of you guys if you both are going to be all lovey dovey" Tony said and bucky rolled his eyes.

After breakfast you went to the training room with bucky.

While you both were exercising bucky said "(Y/N) I'm really sorry for leaving you alone in the hall when we were on our mission"

You looked at him confused, you didnt know what he was talkig about but you didn't want to blow your cover so you said "It's ok bucky."

Bucky came to you and said "(Y/N) I love you with all my heart. I never want to leave you ever again."

You looked at bucky and thought that he loved you very much and you were going to kill him. You couldn't quit this mission because if you did you knew that you were going to die.

"I love you too bucky" you said and you were about to kiss him when Steve came in and said "save the kiss for later, right now we have to go for a mission."

"What kind of mission?" You said and got a little worried.

"Hydra" Steve said.

You stared at the ground and thought that you didn't have much time left. You had to kill bucky.

"(Y/N) are you ok?" Bucky said concerned.

"I'm fine. Steve were coming, you can go" you said

It was only you and bucky in the room. "Is everything ok?" Bucky said and you pulled out a knife.

Bucky stared at you and said "(Y/N) your one of hydra? I should have known that you were under cover all this time."

You ran towards bucky and tried to kill him when he dodged you and injected you with the same syrum you were injected with before. He kept that syrum just in case in his pocket. You looked at bucky and fell, he caught you.

Sebastian Stan imagine (Buckyxreader)Where stories live. Discover now