bucky barnes imagine part 14

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You woke up with your head hurting. You sat up on your bed. You couldn't remember anything except bucky. You remembered him for some reason.

"Bucky! Bucky!" You called out and no one responded.

You came out of your room and looked around. No one was there. You started to think that everyone left you behind even bucky but you remembered what bucky said in the training room before you went crazy so you searched for him in the tower. You were standing outside buckys room. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. You opened the door and saw him sleeping on his bed. You went closer to him and saw someone else with him. Natasha. She was with him. Sleeping. Your eyes were filled with tears. Bucky woke up and so did natasha. "(Y/N) it's not what it looks li-" " It's exactly what it looks like bucky!" You said interrupting bucky.

You ran out of the room went to your bathroom. You sat on the cold ground with your hands on your face and head on the wall.
Why would bucky do this to you? You thought.

You went outside your room into the kitchen for some water. Natasha was sitting on the chair.

"I'm sorry (Y/N) for what happened. We don't love each other. This just happened on accident. Please understand." Natasha said and stood up.

"I do understand that bucky chooses you and it's not your fault. I'm done talking." You said and left the kitchen.

"(Y/N) hey your finally awake. Do you remember me?" Steve said and came towards you.

"Yes I do." You said and left the tower.

"What's wrong with her?" Tony asked Steve.

"I don't know tony" Steve said.

"Has anyone seen (Y/N)?" Bucky said while trying to catch his breath

"Um yea she just left the tower. Anything wrong?" Steve replied.

"N-no, nothing is wrong." Bucky said and left.

You went to the nearest bar. You sat down on a table and a man came up to you and said "hey what's a pretty lady like you doing in this bar? Who's the ass hole who broke your heart?"

"I'm seeing one right now. Go away." You said

"Now you don't need to be rude darling, I'm just trying to help." He said.

"No thanks, I don't need any help." You said and stood up.

"I understand but at least have one drink with me." That man said. "My names derrick by the way" he continued.

"Well derrick I don't talk or drink with strangers so leave me alone." You said.

"Come on now, just one I promise, please?" derrick said.

"Fine." You said and sat down.

"Two drinks please." Derrick said to the bar tender

"what's your name by the way." He said and looked at you

You didn't remember your name. So you had to lie to him

"My names anne" you said.

"Well nice to meet you anne"

Bucky kept on searching for you but couldn't find you. He went to your apartment and looked around but no sign of you.

You went outside the bar. You were drunk and derrick passed out in the bar so you left him there. While you were going you met bucky.

"(Y/N) I finally found you. Please come back to the tower with me." Bucky said and held your hand.

You moved your hand backwards "my name is not (Y/N) it's super woman" you said in a droopy voice.

"Listen to me (Y/N) you're drunk and you need to come with me"
Bucky said and went closer to you. You kept on moving backwards and suddenly you heard a car honking. You felt something and passed out.

Sebastian Stan imagine (Buckyxreader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin