the prince and his sisters servant

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The soldiers were headed of to war, Prince Varick among them. Everyone was saying their goodbyes when he saw his sister Velia and her servant and friend Mina walking his way. The moment the prince saw Mina he felt his chest constrict. They were still quite a way away, when his best friend and fellow soldier, Kai, turned to him and said "Why don't you just tell before you leave?"

"Tell who, what?" he was shocked that Kai knew. He was Mina's brother and very protective of her.

"Why don't you tell Mina that you are in love with her?"

"How...did you know?"

"I'm maybe stupid but I'm not an idiot. I see the way you look at her."

"Well I can't."

"Sure you can. I mean we can't be gone that long and..."

"NO, I mean I can't. It isn't allowed and you know it. Besides even if it was I wouldn't anyway."


"Because we are headed off to war it wouldn't be fair. Now shut up." Just then his sister and Mina arrived next to them. Velia had tears in her eyes, and so did Mina.

Kai hugged Mina and said "We'll be home before you know it. 'Kay?"

She nodded, but still looked sad. Just when he was going to promise that he would bring Kai home safely Velia grabbed him, hugging him tight.

Before she pulled away she whispered "Tell her." The she started to cry so hard she was gasping for air. Mina grabbed her instantly. Telling her that everything was going to be alright. She was the only person outside of the royal family that was allowed to do that.

She looked at him over Velia's shoulder and she too started to cry. He would have liked to think that she was crying due to her concern for him, but it was more than likely that she was concerned about Kai.

He couldn't take anymore of all this crying, so he gave the order to leave. But before he left his kissed his sister on her cheek, then turned to Mina and said "I will bring your brother back unharmed, I swear." Then he kissed her cheek, he just couldn't help himself, he had to do it before he left. Before he kissed her there was only one though running through his mind. Well why the hell not, I might not come back. Then he turned from both of them and walked away with the army following behind him. "You should have told her." Kai said as they left the city behind them.

Soon he would wish that he had told her.

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