the prince and his sisters servant chapter twenty three

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here it is the next chapter.

Chapter Twenty Three

They were almost at the castle.

Jolon could tell that Varick was starting to lose control.

He could tell that he needed blood soon, if he didn't get it Jolon wasn't sure how much longer Varick could last.

Jolon could tell that Eathelyn was enjoying talking to Varick, even though she was in danger she didn't seem to care.

Ekaterina, however, was a different story.

She was terrified, he could practically feel it fear coming off of her in constant waives.

He moved closer to her.

"It's alright you know. I won't let him hurt you."


"Of course I wouldn't. I lov...I mean care for both of you too much to let any harm come to you...two."

"What were you going to say?"

" say...uh..."

"Would you just tell her!?" Varick said.


"If I could see Mina right now, and if my mind was in the right place then I would tell her just how much that I love her. So just tell her."

"You love me?" Jolon couldn't tell what emotion was in Ekaterina's voice.

"Yes. Yes, I do love you." He said looking deep into her eyes.

She smiled and jumped into his arms.

"I love you to." She told him, right before she kissed him.

At first he was shocked, but then he smiled and kissed her with everything he has in him.

They must have been kissing for about five minutes when they heard someone clearing their throat, as well as someone giggling.

"Well, as lovely as this is...I think that we need to get moving. The longer I'm like this the less likely I am to get back to normal." Jolon could tell that Varick was really getting worried, but he was controlling himself very well.

"Your right, of course. We better get going."

Jolon took Ekaterina's hand in his and started towards the castle once again.

Mina was starting to get worried.

Kai had gone back to the Lamia camp to get Varick but he wasn't there.

He had told her that she shouldn't worry, Varick was probably just trying to get home. But the doubt she saw in his eyes negated what he said.

She couldn't lose Varick yet.

She hadn't told him that she loves him.

It was in that moment that she vowed to tell him just how much she loved him the very next moment she saw him.

And all she could hope was that he didn't laugh in her face and tell her how stupid she is.

She didn't notice the tears that were starting to fall down her checks, until Velia came into the room and started to cry as well. After a few minutes they pulled away from each other to see that the room was now filled with the King, Queen, Kai and several others of Varicks close friends.

King Keegan looked sad holding Queen Malva, who was in tears.

Kai was worried as were the others.

Varick was slowly losing his mind.

Every time he closed his eyes he saw blood, and in the midst of all the blood he saw a face.

A female face.


He knew that he had to resist killing her, but how could he?

She had always drawn him that way.

Only this time he didn't have any restraint.

He was going to kill her.

He knew it, everyone knew it.

When he sees her next he will rip her throat out, and not bat an eyelash over it.

Only later will he regret his actions, this is if he had enough of himself left to even feel regretful.

He could feel the loss pull at him, even now when he knew she was alive and well.

He knew that once her blood was spilt, and he tasted it, he would be lost and have no choice but to kill her.

And when she was cold and gone he would be lost in the blood lust and he wouldn't care about anything anymore.

Then he would be hunted by everyone that he held dear.

Even his sister.

The man that he is now would gladly lay down his life for what he feared he was going to do.

But the beast he was going to become will try to take as many men down with him as it could.

All Varick could hope was that they stopped him before he could hurt her, let alone kill her.

He would gladly take a knife to the heart to keep her safe, and to keep her from fearing him.

That was one thing that he would be unable to stand.

Kai was pacing Varicks room.

He wanted his friend back.


And he would get him back, even if it killed him!

He needed his advice on what to do about his new found feelings towards Velia.

He had always thought of her as more of a second sister than anything else.

But that was before Mina was taken, and he was suddenly over come with a powerful urge to protect her, the likes of which he had never felt before.

Something blue flashed in the sunlight.

It came from Varick's desk.

He looked towards the desk and saw the necklace Varick had made for Mina.

He walked over and was about to pick it up when he heard a sniffle coming from the hallway.

"Oh sorry, I didn't know you were in here." Velia said, pausing in the doorway.

"It's alright, I know that I should be out looking for him but..." he drifted off.

"You don't think we'll find him!" it didn't sound like a question, but he answered it anyway.

"No. I think if he wanted to be found, he would have been there at the campsite when we went there. I think that he's running away so that he won't kill Mina."

"It would kill him if he hurt her!" she sounded so broken.

"If he moves to kill her, then I know that he would want us to stop him first."

"W-what are you saying?" she stuttered, with a fearful look in her eyes.

"I'm saying if it looks like he's going to kill her...I'll kill him!" and with that he left the room, before he could see her break down in tears again.

For the moment the necklace was left on the desk forgotten.

All Kai cared about was going out to find Varick, so that Velia didn't have a reason to cry anymore, and neither would Mina or the others.

well did you like it?

i hope so.

i'm kinda sad i think that this story is coming to an end.

if you have any suggestions about the way it should go let me know, i would love to hear them.

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