the prince and his sisters servant chapter one

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Chapter one

Varick and the rest of the soldiers were all very excited. They had been at war for the past two years and were getting ready to go home. The war wasn't over but their two years of duty were at an end, and they had barely lost any of their companions. All they were waiting for were the next group of soldiers to arrive so they could get home and see their families.

The war with the Lamia and the Hydra would most likely last for centuries to come. The Lamia were vampiric creatures that prayed off of children. They had the head and chest of a human, with hind hooves, a horses tail and front legs that resembles a felines. The Hydra's were creatures with nine heads who were extremely poisonous.

Most of the soldiers in Varick army were volatilis, or winged people, some were nymphs, some were vampires, some demons, there were a lot more creatures in this army butit would take too long to tell you all of them. They all banded together centuries ago when their enemies joined forces.

Kai was a volatilis. A winged person, just like Mina, the wings however only came out when they wanted them.

Varick however was one of the few mixed raced creatures in existence, he was part vampire and part nymph. His mother being the nymph. Many people thought that she was forced to marry his father, but the truth was that she fell madly in love with him the moment she saw him. Before his parent were wed the vampire and nymph armies were also at war. So in order for peace and to form an alliance they were allowed to marry.

And they have all fought side by side against their common foe ever since.

Varick and Kai were talking while they checked the sharpness of their weapons while they 0 kept guard of the prisoners that were captured that morning.

"When we get home" Kai was saying, "I want Mina to have dinner ready. She's the most amazing cook."

He looked like he could actually taste it.

"Hmm, I remember," Varick said remembering the times he had to stay in the servants' quarters because he was too tired to walk up all those stairs to his, and Mina had insisted that they eat something before they passed out. But she was always the one who fell asleep first, closely followed by Kai, and he would get to watch her sleep for a few moments and imagine what his life would be like if he could actually have her as his wife. Then he would pass out miserable. Just like he had for what seemed to be his whole life. But he had always woken up early and cleaned everything up, even though he knew that she could do it her self. All of the volatilis had special gifts. Kai was very strong, almost as strong as a vampire or a nymph, who are very strong indeed; he was also very patient and smart. Mina however had more motherly gifts, she could cook better than anyone who has trained all of their lives, ahe could just wave her hand and any mess would disappear then reappear clean and it the right place. She also had the power to heal any wound.

Varick frequently considered getting injured bad enough that she would be forced to heal him, but he didn't want to appear weak in her eyes.

Something hit him on the head, and he realised that Kai was trying to get his attention.

"Sorry did you say something?"

"Yes, I said the natives are getting restless!" Kai said sounding concerned, but not asking him about it. He knew Varick well enough to know that if he wanted to talk about something then he would.

"What natives... Oh you mean the prisoners."

Varick looked over at them, and noticed that some of the Lamia was smirking at them. Just then a horde of Lamia and Hydra attacked, and a battle ensued. Just when it looked like they were losing the battle more of their soldiers arrived and the Lamia and Hydra started to retreat. But before one of the Lamia ran, it turned towards Kai, who had his back to it, and attacked. Varick ran straight to the creature and engaged. He killed it but was almost killed in the process.

Kai ran over o him. "WHY? You knew I could have taken it?" his voice sounded broken.

"I...promised...Mina..."was all he could say before he passed out.

Mina awoke with a jolt. She had been staying in princess Velia's room for almost every night that the prince had been away. And not just because Velia was upset and worried, or because she felt the same for her brother Kai, but because she cared so much for the prince that she was worried to death for him.

"Mina" Velia said sleep in her voice. "What's wrong?"

"The prince. He's hurt." She said before both her and Velia burst into tears.

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