the prince and his sisters servant chapter sixteen

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here's chapter sixteen

i hope you like it.

Chapter Sixteen

Mina was scared.

She was tied up in a tent in the Lamia camp.

When Varick was chasing them, she wanted to be in his arms so badly.

Seeing him like that was strange.

She had never seen him so upset before.

It was almost like he cared about her, which she thought would have to be a miracle.

As she was being carried away she was silently begging him to stop them.

As she was sitting them in the middle of tent floor, shaking, a man entered the tent.

"So...this is the woman who can heal anything? It's such an honour. My name is Diabolos. I already know yours, Mina. So how do you like my camp?"

"I think you should let me go before Prince Varick arrives and kills you!" I snapped.

"Hmm, well. I'm sure you'll warn up to it. And just so you know, we've moved the camp. So your precious Prince won't be coming for you anytime soon." He said as he walked out laughing his head off.

She broke down, and started crying.

She cried and cried until she thought she would die.

Suddenly, someone can into the tent.

She got a strange feeling that she knew him.

"Listen, my name is Jolon. I spoke to you before. Do you remember?"

"Yes, why are you here?" she asked, wondering if he was going to hurt her.

"I want to help you. And I need to get you and the other women out of here." He told her.

"Why would you want to do that?"

"Because...I don't want to be like one of those monsters. I hate the things that they do. I need to get as many of you out of here, but especially you. You have no idea what he has planned for you. As soon as I get you and the others out of here I'll finally have some piece of mind."

"But...what about you? If they find out that you helped us won't they come after you?"

Why was she worried about him?

"It doesn't matter about me. The only thing that matters is your safety. That and making sure that Ekaterina and Eathelyn are welcomed back into their homes!"

"Who are they?"

"They are the two women that I saved from Diabolos. I saved Eathelyn first, and she slowly learnt to trust me. She's been with me for about a year, and she always tell me about her husband and son. I think I know more about them than I do about her." He laughed, and then his eyes turned sad, "Ekaterina was recently brought to the camp. She was given to Diabolos, and he did some terrible things to her. I saved her, but she won't trust me for a while. I don't blame her, though, I blame him."

"You like her don't you?"

"Like whom?" he said blushing.

"You like Ekaterina, don't you?" I said laughing.

"Well, yes I do but she doesn't like my kind. There's no point. Anyway I have made a plan. I'm going to contact your Prince and brother. When I do I get you and the others out of here then I worry about myself."

"How will you contact them?"

"The same way I contacted you, via the mind!"

"O, I hope I get out of here soon." She started to cry again.

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