the prince and his sisters servant chapter eight

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okay heres another chapter.

i'm sorry that it is short but i am having some trouble deciding what to write. anyway hopefully i wont have this problem long.

and i hope that you enjoy this.


Chapter Eight

Mina wasn't looking where she was going, but she somehow ended up in the courtyard just below Varick's window. She looked up and sighed.

I will not cry, she told herself.

She continued on her walk, when suddenly she had a strange feeling. It felt as if there was someone there with her in her mind. She stopped, and closed her eyes.

Suddenly she gasped; she was connected to a Lamia.

What the hell is going on, she yelled at the presence.

Don't worry I wont hurt you, I'm nothing like the others. The presence was male.

Why should I believe you? You are after all one of the enemy.

Please trust me I would never hurt anyone. He sounded so sincere, but she could tell that he was telling the truth.

You're the one that sent that message to me. Weren't you? She realised. She knew that his 'voice' was familiar.

Oh, thank god that you got that, I was worried that it didn't get through to you. But that isn't the point, look they know that the Prince is hurt, and they know about you, but I don't know if you have healed him yet. And before you do, do not tell me, I don't want to know in case things go bad. But I want you to know that they will stop at nothing until they have you. I also know that they will not get you, well not right now at least. I have been stalling them. But I need you to do me a favour; well it really isn't for me but for the two women that I saved. I need you to petition your King to grant them asylum. They have done nothing wrong, they have been wronged. Please, tell him that if he will grant me this I will tell you of the Lamia's plans, and he may do as he wishes to me. But I need them safe. I have risked a lot to keep them safe up until this point, and I will do what is necessary to keep them that way.

Mina had no idea that a Lamia could be so kind to anyone. Of course that did not mean that she trusted him at all, but she would tell the King.

Tell me your name, then I might ask the King.

My name is Jolon. And I am Diabolos's most favoured soldier. But I only do what I must to survive you have to understand that.

I understand, how will I inform you of the King's decision?

I will contact you in the same way in a few days. It takes a while you recover from this amount of energy loss.

I know.

Well I should let you talk with the King. But before I go I just want to tell you one thing...

Well? She said when he didn't continue.

A man will never tell you how he feels if he can help it. It is always up to the female to start things off.

What the HELL does that mean?

Well if you don't know then how can he?

And with that Jolon's presence was gone.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

Great, she thought. Now I'm going to be completely confused for the next few days. I mean even more than I already was.


thanks for reading

if you can think of any suggestions about the story please let me know i would be really greatfull

sorry agin for the shortness

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