the prince and his sisters servant chapter six

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Chapter Six

Malva sighed. Here she was watching her son argue with his father, because he didn't want Mina to be in pain. She could understand, really she could. If she were in his position and Keegan could take her pain for her she would refuse as well. She looked over at Mina, who had a strange look on her face. She almost looked like she was trying to concentrate on something.

Suddenly Mina gasped.

"What is dear?" Malva asked her.

"The leader of the Lamia. I think he is planning something. I think he wants...ME." The she burst into tears.

Even though Varick was still in so much pain, and still badly injured, he jumped up and ran over to her.

"What, you can't know that. Hey, shh, I won't let him take you..."

He was trying to calm her down, but it wasn't working. She looked so scared. And that was making Varick very angry.

"Harman, get my armour ready I'm going to kill that son of a..."

"NO!" Mina shouted. "He'll kill you. You're too weak. You're injured. He'll use that to his advantage. Please, don't I can't..." she suddenly stopped and Malva had a feeling that she was going to say that she couldn't lose him.

Time to intervene, Malva thought.

"You know she is right, dear. If you g up against him then you will die. And I don't think that anyone in this room will be able to handle the grief of that. But if you let Mina heal you then you could go off to kill him."

"No, I won't let her take my pain. I can't. She shouldn't have to ever feel this. It would be to much for her, I know it will be." The pain was evident him his voice, as well as the love that she knew he had for her.

She looked at Keegan, and for the first time, she thought about what she would do if he was ever taken from her. She knew that she wouldn't be able to survive herself.

As if sensing his wife's distress, Keegan walked over to Malva and pulled her into a hug.

"I'm not going anywhere." He whispered in her ear. Malva felt relived the moment those word came from his mouth.

"Varick, she would only fell the pain for a few seconds. And when she was done you would be able to keep her safe. In the state that you are in now you couldn't keep a mouse safe."

Kai had entered the room a few moments ago, but the word he spoke went straight to Varick ears, andeven though he kept his gaze on Mina he said, "But then she would be in pain, even if it was for a few seconds. I won't let her go through that. I'm sorry I can't."

Mina spoke for the first time in a long time, "Kai, hold him."

She spoke with all the authority of a woman on the edge. Kai quickly went to Varick and held him in place. Realising what they were doing Keegan went over to help, while Varick struggled in vain.

"Mina if you do this I will hate you forever!" Varick shouted at her.

She paused for a few seconds, and then muttered, "So be it." And proceeded to heal him.


so what do you think

sorry its shorter than the rest but i didn't have much time and i wanted to post something for you before i have to leave for work.

but don't worry i will write more soon.

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