the prince and his sisters servant chapter thirteen

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okay here's the next chapter.

hope you like it. personnally i think it's a bit crap, so if you do like it let me know.

also i can't decide weither have them confess their love for each other before, like i was going to, or after like kittykaye1 suggested.

i would love to know your thoughts on this.


Chapter thirteen.

Diabolos was sitting in his tent trying to figure out how to get that damn woman when one of his soldiers knocked on his door.

"What do you want?" he snapped.

"I have some information about that healer woman."

"Come in and tell me," he smiled.

Finally things are looking up, he thought.

"Well, I heard that there is a banquet tonight and that everyone is going. Everyone except Mina. She's has to stay in the palace, because we're after her."

"Wonderful, well then we better start planning straight away." He said laughing.

Mina watched as the one and only love of her life walked out of her room.

And as the door closed she let the tears she had been holding in fall. She cried until she had no more tears to cry.

He was going to ask someone to marry him. And that woman might say yes. And then they would get married and she would have to see them every day for the rest of her life. She would have to watch the man she loves kiss someone else.

Unless she was to marry.

No she would never marry anyone. She would never be able to give them her whole heart. And it would feel too much like betraying him. And she would never do that. She loves him too much to be with anyone else.

There was a knock at her door.

"Come in." she called and her voice was hoarse from all of the crying she had done.

Ulrick came in.

"How are you? I just heard that the Prince will ask Claire to marry him. Are you okay with that?" he asked her sounding very concerned.

"Of course. It is his life after all, if he wants to marry her then he should."

"Mina, I know you love him. I have always known. And because of your love for him you're going to do what, wait for him to love you to? Mina you can't do that to yourself!"

Mina didn't know why but she didn't really mind that Ulrick knew about her love for the Prince. what she did mind was his tone.

"What I don't need right now is that patronizing tone of yours!"

"Mina I only want what's best for you," he told her, and she had to believe him. "Look just consider telling him how you feel okay? You never know, he might feel the same way about you!" and with that he got up and left.

Alone once more Mina began to feel horrible.

She needed advice.

And there was no one who would know what she was going through.

Maybe if I talk with the queen about this? She thought as she headed for the door.

Queen Malva was sitting in the garden watching an old dog roll around in the dirt when she felt someone behind her. She turned to see who it was with an almighty scream at the ready. She knew all she would have to do was whimper and King Keegan would come running.

She saw that it was just Varick and sighed.

"What's wrong dear? Something happen to Mina?" she asked.

"No, everything is fine with her. It's just...I want more of her. I want her to be mine and mine alone. What do I do?"

"Well for starters you could always not marry Claire."

Well that was a no brainer, but my son can be very dense a times.

"Look I know asking her to marry me is the wrong thing to do but Mina is with Ulrick, and I want to more on." He sounded so sad.

Malva got out of her seat and embraced her son.

"Every thing will be fine, you'll see. I just know that the two of you will be together soon."

"I hope so, anyway I had better go and get ready. I don't want to go there looking like something the cat dragged in."

"Alright see you when you get home."

"You aren't coming?"

"No, I just want to stay here tonight."

"Is dad staying as well?"

"No, just me."

"Hmm, well then we'll have to have more guards."

And with that he walked off to his room muttering.

When he was gone Mina entered the garden.

And they practically had the same conversation.

When Mina left Malva felt exhausted.

She closed her eyes and fell asleep even though she wasn't tired.


well, did you like it?

hopefully in the next chapter there will be a declaration of love.

anyway the next chapter is the one where he askes Claire to marry him, and i hope you like the way that she replies.

thanks for reading.


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