the prince and his sisters servant chapter twenty one

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hey heres the next chapter.

sorry it's short.


Chapter Twenty One

Mina was being dragged away.

She knew that it was Diabolos dragging her away from everyone that had came to save her, but she couldn't stop him.

He was too strong, and she was so scared for Varick.

She could still see him, a look of sheer pain and loss in his eyes.

He was bleeding so much; he would lose consciousness soon if he didn't get help soon.

And she knew that she was the only one that could help him.

She needed to get to him fast.

Her eyes started to tear up.

She was so scared that she was going to lose him before she even had him.

He looked straight into her eyes.

Suddenly, his eyes changed.

They went from pain and loss filled to determined and angry.

And she knew what he was planning on doing.

He was going to drink blood, and go feral.

She couldn't let that happen, she just couldn't.

"NO! DON'T! SOMEONE STOP HIM!" she shouted but it was too late.

He had already bitten and drained his first victim.

He didn't even have time to scream, it happened that fast.

She could see the change instantly.

He was no longer the caring, loving and selfless Prince that had captured her heart the very moment she had seen him.

Now he was a blood thirsty vampire that all of his kind feared.

She had to help him.

She had to get him back to normal, and soon.

The longer he was like this the less chance they had of getting him back.

Although, he would never be exactly the same as he was.

He would always have that craving there.

The vampires only knew one line of the cure, 'blood of a loved one'; however that was the second line.

The first line, the line that she only recently discovered herself, was 'to cure the bloodlust you have to resist...'

Diabolos's arm was suddenly removed from her arm.

She turned to see him engaged in a battle with Jolon.

She would have watched, but she couldn't keep her eyes off of Varick for too long.

But when she turned back to where he was, he wasn't there anymore.

He had moved onto killing a small group of Lamia to the left of where he was before.

There were limbs flying everywhere.

Blood spurting so high she couldn't believe it.

He was going through them like they were nothing more than air.

The look in his eyes scared her.

He looked like he was enjoying killing all of these people.

When he looked at her his eyes changed momentarily.

He looked like he knew what she was feeling.

She noticed at that moment that he hasn't killed any of his own men.

When ever they stepped in his path, he changed direction.

It was almost like he didn't want to hurt them.

It was then that she realised that there was still some hope for him.

The sooner she got to him the better.

Varick knew that he had to turn feral.

He just had to, or else he would lose her.

As he looked into her eyes he saw the tears start to form.

No, he thought. She's not supposed to cry. I won't let her cry.

If there was one thing that Varick couldn't stand, it was to see Mina cry.

The pain he felt due to his injuries changed into determination when her first tear fell.

He felt so angry that Diabolos still had his hand on her that he thought he would kill him very slowly.

He heard her calling, but he chose to ignore her screams for him to stop.

By the time he was finished with the first he knew that there was no turning back now.

The blood that he had tasted, well, he just didn't have words for it.

It tasted horrible but glorious at the same time.

Unlike anything that he had ever tasted.

He wondered what Mina would taste like, but he quickly erased that thought.

He was doing this for her.

To keep her safe.

If he lost that thought then he knew that he would lose himself, and he couldn't do that.

He just couldn't.

He looked to the right and saw a group of Lamia about to take down one of his men.

He saw their necks.

And the blood pumping in their veins.

Suddenly he felt so hungry, that he didn't' know what he was going to do.

So he acted on instinct.

He ran up to them and started to feed.

He bit one on his neck, but he didn't feed.

He just ripped out his throat.

He moved onto the next one, this one he ripped his limbs off.

Next he started to feed, and left him to bleed out.

The last he broke his bones, then drained him.

He smiled when he was finished.

He had never felt anything as good as that.

He looked up and saw Mina.

She was looking straight at him.

She looked so scared, and he knew that she hated the way he was right now.

He felt so bad that he wished he had never done this, but then there were more Lamia to kill.

He did his best to stay away from all of his men, for fear that he might harm them.

He knew that would change once he was finished with the Lamia.

All he had to do was try to hold out once he done with the Lamia.

If he could just remember himself he would be alright.

thanks for reading.

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