Chapter 01

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4 years ago...

The Night of The Super Junior Car accident...

"Good morning jagiya!" I greeted cheerfully

"Good morning to you too"

"What's wrong? It seems something is wrong with you"


"I know you. Youre hiding something from me what is it?"

"its nothing"

":Alright this is pointless. You dont want to tell me fine. Ill call you later" I said almost iritated

"Arasso. Ill tell you. When are you going back to Korea?"

"Kyuhyun How many times will I have to tell you I cant go back to Korea?" I shouted overly iritated

"jaeun please? I miss you so much I havent seen you since 2 months ago" Kyuhyun pleaded

"Kyu jajiya I love you but you know my schedule. I have contract I cant just go there because you asked me to."

"Dont you miss me?"

"I do miss you a lot. Arasso? If I dont follow what the contract says, Ill be out. You know how important this is to me."

"I know but I miss you so much."

"Kyu listen to me okay, I promise I'll finish everything earlier so that I can go there"


"have a nice day. Stay safe alright?"

"Okay. Same goes to you. Eat on time"

That was my boyfriend Kyuhyun. We've been dating for 5 months now. Ofcourse nobody knows except Kara. We met because of my brother Donghae. I think hiding our relationship is better than telling our oppas. They will make a big fuss about it so I decided to hide it from them.

I ran to our manager.

"Tita Melly when can I go back to Korea?

"maybe after this commercial shoot by tom. you are already in Korea"

"Thank you! I miss my boyfriend so much"

"I figured"

"Thank you so much"

I went to the shooting area and did my best to finish everything earlier.After 5 hours, Around 4:30 in the afternoon, we are all officially dismissed. We all went to our dorms.

I went to my bunk and pack all my things.

"Where are you going?" Ate Cia asked

"Im going back to Korea. I havent seen Kyu for a long time now. I really miss him"

"Aww teenage love. I know how it feels trust me. Arasso finish everything now so you can see Kyu earlier"

Ate Cia left my room.

I picked up my picture with Kyuhyun.

"Kyuhyun jajiya , Wait for me... I'll be with you soon" I kissed the picture and continued packing.

After dinner I went to the airport and boarded the private jet our manager have for my ride.

-Meanwhile in Korea-

Kyuhyun, Shindong, Eunhyuk and Leetuk with their manager were on the way home from the Super Junior Kiss the Radio when they encountered a serious accident.

Shindong and Eunhyuk were able to leave with only cut and bruises.

The rescue team quickly went towards Leetuk who was covered in blood.

My Mr. Simpleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن