Saying goodbye

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After our mini celebration, I cant help but notice that one guys is missing. 

"Jagiya, did you see kyu?" I asked

"No. Havent seen him since after my proposal to you" He replied still hugging me.

"Can I go look for him? I think we needed to talk"

"Okay. I trust you Jae" he said smiling at me.

I stood up and peck his lips.

"Where is she going?" leeteuk oppa asked

"She's going to look for the maknae" he said smiling

I went out of the house we were staying and looked for him. 

This place is not that big so I can easily find him.

I walked around until I saw a guy wearing a tux sitting along the shoreline of the beach.

"Hey" i called out sitting beside him

"What are you doing here? Arent you suppose to celebrate?" He asked not looking at me.

"I will be celebrating if you were there"

"Are you a sadist? Do you really want to hurt me this much JAe? Cant you understand how painful it was to help Hyukjae hyung in serenading you then in his wedding proposal? Dont you know how I regret everything that happened before? Jae... It hurts to think that you are getting married and it wasnt me who will be your groom. It sucks to think that I used to be your world and because of my own stupidity, It cost the only girl I ever loved. It hurts so much that I dont think I can take it anymore. This feeling is mych worse than lying in that hospital bed lifeless and just getting ready for someone to announce my death" He said finally looking at me, before breaking down.

I quickly hugged him and patted his back.

I cant help but cry myself.

"Yah! Kyuhyun, you shouldnt be like that! I dont deserve you! Im sorry! I was wrong. Please forgive me. I didnt mean for anything like this to happen. I already forgive you why cant you forgive yourself? Dont you ever speak like that ever again! Im not worth your life Kyu. You deserves someone better than me. Someone who will love you for who you are, for all of your inperfections."

"I love you so much Jae... It hurts me everytime I woke up and realize that you werent there anymore"

"I will always be here for you. I may not be your lover anymore, but I promise I will always be here for you. As your friend. Look at me kyu" I lifted his face. "Never waste your precious tears on me ever again. I dont deserve them. You deserve a girl that will never ever let those tears fall again. If they do, it will be because of happiness" I wiped his tears and smile. 

I picked up the rose that I kept inside hyukkie's coat.

"Black rose, signifies death and goodbye. A new hope that one day you will find your color once more. Im giving this back to you. Kyu, I never wanted to say goodbye to anybody especially you. You know how special you are to me. I want you to be happy. This represents a new hope. Kyu I went you to go find your happiness. I dont want you to be stucked in this blackhole of sorrows.Dont deprive yourself from happiness” He stared at me before wiping my tears.

"Now I know why I love you this much. Thank you for everything Jae. I will always love you. I will continue to love you til my hearts stops beating. Well maybe even until then I will continue to love you"

"Just so you know, Everything I told you is true. I really meant it when I said I love you. before, We had the right love at a wrong time. And when we finally got another chance we had a wrong love at a right time. Jagiya, I love you so much. But I love him too. I love him more than I love myself. Kyu I could never love somebody as much as I love him. I was wrong because I played with the two of you. And Im paying the price seeing the two of you like this" 

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