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Sorry I kinda left you guys on a cliff hanger, but it just seemed like a awesome place to leave off. I'm gonna try and write longer parts I've just been really busy. You know how summer works. I also will try to write during 8/22 and 8/28. I probably won't get to it since I'm on vacation then. Also read what I have to  say at the end! Ok. ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!

Tom's pov
I am in the middle of sharpening my horns and someone has to call me. Great! I answer and I see it's Star. "Star!" I exclaim. She says, "Hey Tom! Can we hang out at your place for a little bit? I wanna chat." I can feel myself blush. I say, "Yeah of course.... Um just ring the bell I gave to you at for the Blood Moon Ball and it should bring you here." She smiles and says, "See ya sooooon!" She hangs up. And then I clap my hands and my house gets clean. And snap and then a table with flowers and candles appear. I take a deep breath and say, "Ok. I can do this. I can do this...." Then I see Star come down in the carriage. She says, "Hey Tom." I say, "Have a seat my Star."

Star's pov
I never should've called Tom.... I know. I don't think I could just let my heart forget about Marco. Just like that. I mean, it hurt. A lot. Would making Marco jealous work? I'll try. I say, "So Tom. I have a school dance on Friday and I was wondering if you would want to go with me? It's just a formal thing and we will just dance a bit and what-" Tom says, "Of course! We can get froyo after, too." I say, "Um... Yeah sure! That'll be fun! I gotta go home now and whatever but I'll see you Friday."  He waves goodbye and I leave. Then I whisper, "What have I done...."

Marco's pov
I call Ponyhead on Star's mirror just to tell Star that we have a algebra test tomorrow and Ponthead answers. "EARTH TUUURD!" She yells. I say, "Hi can you-" She inturupts saying, "Tell Star to meet me at the Bounce Lounge, k?" I yell, "I THOUGHT SHE WAS WITH YOU!!" She says, "I think she's coming back now from Tom's... Can you tell her then? BYE EARTH TURD!!!!!" I whisper, "Why is she with Tom...." She comes back in from her balcony and says, "I have a date to the dance."

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