Different Endings (The Final Chapter)

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GUYS!!!!  I can't believe this is the final chapter. I'm going to make it as long as possible. And as good (hopefully). I'm sorry it's taken me a while to update, I've had a lot going on. Anyway, let's get started. 

Marco's pov

I think I'm in love with Star. But then again, it's high school. Will there ever be a future for us? I don't think so. But I feel like I'm wrong. I think she's in love with me too. I hope so. 

"Hi Star. Do you wanna go out for dinner at Cuire? It's a fancy restaurant thing. We can go tonight." She smiles,  "Sure! I'm excited." Good. I can tell her how I feel there. 


I'm calling upstairs for Star. She always takes forever to get ready. "Star!! Hurry up! Or we will be late for our reservation." I yell. My dad says, "Oh Marco!! You look soo grown up. Should we come and do some paintings for you? To remember your date by?" I groan. My mom fluffs my hair as I grumble, "No.  Guys, stop being embarrassing." 

Finally Star comes down the stairs. She looks beautiful in her short purple dress. She has the perfect amount of makeup on. Not too much and not too little. She looks beautiful. "You looks beautiful Star." I almost whisper. She smiles and says, "You too. Oh um... I mean handsome." I laugh, "OK! let's go. Bye Mom & Dad." My parents finally got the hint and they just waved goodbye.

We finally walk into the restaurant & it looks so nice. It's pretty small but it's fancy. I look at Star and she is smiling. I lean over and I kiss her cheek. A waiter is leading us towards our table and we sit down. The waiter fills our glasses with sparkling water. Star says, "Could I have a Shirley Temple please?" The waiter writes down her drink and I say, "I'll have an iced tea." The waiter says, "What kind would you like?" I ask, "Do you have blueberry iced tea?" He nods and writes down my order.

 He hurries away to get our drinks and I say, "Star." She smirks at me and says, "Marco." I smirk, "What do you want for dinner?" Then I start laughing all of a sudden. Then she gives me a serious face saying, "I want... Spaghetti." We both are laughing hysterically and people are staring. Not just a person or two staring for a second. Like the entire restaurant is staring at us for about a minute until we calm down. Oops.

The waiter comes with our drinks and asks for our orders. I say, "I would like a steak with potatoes please. I would like the steak medium rare." He nods writing down my order then looks over to Star. She says sillily, "I would like spaghetti with meatballs please!"  Just the way she said that made me start laughing again. More people stared. The waiter looked at her and me both very weirdly and almost sprinted away to give our order to the chef or whatever. 

"I think this whole place thinks we should be put into a mental asylum." Star whispers. I nod, "Definitely. And maybe their right." She looks at me and I say, "Star, I think I'm in love with you." She stares into my eyes, "Me too. I mean I'm not in love with myself but-" I interrupt her and I place a kiss on her lips. She kisses back and I think it would've gotten more intense if we weren't in the fancy restaurant. 

When we finally got our food we practically shoveled it down our throats it was so good. Don't even get me started with dessert. The chocolate lava cake was warm and the vanilla ice cream on top made it even better. What I think was the best tasting? It was probably Star's lips.

20 years in the future

Star's pov

I think back a lot. To when I was about 15 and in love with Marco Diaz. I remember him only the slightest. But just enough to miss him. We were in love. Well for a while. He fell back in love with a girl named Jackie, who is now a very sweet woman by the way. I decided to practice magic in Mewni with my family. Marco and I would talk every once in a while We remained friends. For a while until he stopped answering my calls. 

I later found out he was in the hospital because he kept getting seizures. No one knew what was causing it because he never had them before. But that was only until they found the brain tumor. And it was too late. I heard from his mother that he died peacefully and in his room. 

At the time i wish I was there. But I remember how I didn't know the person he was when he died.

Now I am the queen of Mewni. I am married to the love of my life, Prince Jason O'Connell. We don't live in the palace because we both always hated it. we live in a mansion nearby. I didn't want our future kids to be raised in the palace like I was.

But later I found that I was unable to have kids. That was probably the worst moment of my life. Jason and I tried for a few years but were unsuccessful. Then we adopted a beautiful girl. I decided to name her Luna. 

When I was 15 I would've never imagined my life like this. I probably assumed that I would be with my first "real" love, Marco Diaz. But I think that this is all for the best because I love Jason first of all and that my heart would've been broken by Marco anyway. I also never would've had Luna.

"Mommy! Look at my drawing!" Luna yells. I look down at her drawing but to notice a big black empty circle. "Luna? Why is there a circle here?" I ask. She smiles her big smile, "I can draw my little sister in there if I get one." I look to Jason and I smile.

I know the ending was probably not what you guys expected but I just thought it would be unpredictable. Anyway, I CAN'T BELIEVE I WROTE THE FINAL CHAPTER!!!!  Anyway I really had a good time writing this story. But I think it's time to end it. I think I'm done with writing on wattpad. For now at least. I need to work some personal crap out if/when I start writing again. Please leave me tons of comments about what you thought of the ending. Any questions would be swell. I also will still be reading on wattpad so always check in with me to check out your stories. I would love to give feedback or just read them for fun! Even if it's about a fandom I'm not particularly into i would still love to read it. You can ask any personal questions about myself and I'll probably answer since I'm always on my phone. I love you so much!! I also thought of a good quote or something....

"Reading gives us someplace to go when we are trying to find our way." 

I'm certainly still trying to find MY way. I'm glad if you found even the slightest bit of joy in my story. I certainly found joy in writing it. 

Author: M

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