Chapter 4, Dilemmas

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Taylor's POV

When I wake up there's an absence in my bed where Tom was. I sit up. Olivia is sitting on a chair near the edge of my bed. I get out of bed and find a pair of jeans and a t-shirt to wear. I hear the front door open. I find my high boots and put them on really quickly. I walk downstairs. Tom's in the kitchen, he's making some sort of breakfast. He turns around looks a little startled for a moment.

"Morning Taylor," Tom says,

"Why didn't you wake me?" I ask,

"Because you were really tired last night and you look cute while you're asleep and I didn't want to disturb you," Tom replies,

"And leave you here bored all by yourself?" I ask,

"I had Meredith," Tom pointed out,

"And Olivia," I say,

"No, she wanted to pretend to be a human upstairs," Tom laughed,

"I noticed," I laugh also.

Tom has a plate of pancakes in front of him which he seems to have made himself.

"Oh my god, are those pancake?" I ask,

"Yep, your favorites," Tom says.

I think I must be drooling the pancakes look delicious. Tom laughs and serves me up a couple of pancakes. Meredith doesn't pay attention to the food. She then suddenly bolts outside.

"She's spotted a bird then," Tom laughs,

"Or a dog in the house," I laugh,

"Yes that's a possibility," Tom says,

I finish my pancakes and wash up the dishes. I don't think we're really planning on going out today. I open the cupboard, we're out of cat food. I'll probably have to go to the shop quickly. I suddenly start feeling sick and I grip onto the side of the working surfaces and wait for a moment. I hear Tom's footsteps walk up behind me and then stop. I can't seem to knock of the nauseous feeling and I let go of the kitchen sides.

"Are you feeling ok?" Tom asks me,

"Yes," I lie,

Tom looks at me for a moment and then turns his attention back to the dishes. My phone goes off. It's a text from Austin. I unlock my phone to read the text and I happen to notice the date. Wait, it couldn't be? I shake the thought out my head, only one way to be sure. I turn to Tom.

"We're out of cat food, I'm just going to get some more," I tell him,

"Um, ok," Tom says,

"I'll be quick," I say.

I walk over to Tom and kiss his cheek. I pick up the car keys.

"Don't you hate driving?" Tom asks,

"I prefer not to drive," I reply.

I walk out the house before Tom can ask anymore questions.

Tom's POV

And then she's gone. There's something up this morning but I can't put my finger on it. I put the dishes away and then find the cat bowl. I open the cupboards, Taylor wasn't joking there really was no cat food. Meredith has noticed that I have the cat bowl out and has started meowing at me. I pick her up.

"Hello Meredith," I say,

Meredith replies with a meow. I think she's hungry I lift her up and stroke her. Meredith looks up at me for a moment. It's about 15 minutes before I hear Taylor re-enter.

"Hello," I should down the hall,

"Hi," Taylor yells back.

I hear her run upstairs towards her bedroom. I go after her. My foot hits something and I look down, it's cat food. I put the cat food in the bowl and leave it on the floor. I walk upstairs. 

Looking at you- Hiddleswift / Swiddleston (Taylor Swift and Tom Hiddleston)Where stories live. Discover now