Chapter 4

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"Apartment 4E, that's me." Olivia thought to herself. When Olivia arrived at her apartment she dropped her purse and jacket on the couch and headed straight to the bathroom. She looked directly into the dust- covered mirror "Damn, I look like shit." she said aloud as she saw her puffy red eyes and her smeared lipstick and mascara. She looked at her phone and the clock read 2:36 pm. "What am I gonna do all night?" She then decided she was gonna take a hot shower in attempts to feel better. Just as she was getting out of  the shower that's when she noticed it... a razor. She felt nothing after yesterday with Derek and today finding out she was a child of rape. That's when the grabbed the razor and popped the blade out of the plastic barrier. She then thought to herself "Maybe this will help me feel something." She drug it across her arm one time. "OUCH that fucking hurt! Maybe if I do it again it won't hurt" She then dragged the blade across her arm 6 more times. She then looked at the blood stained blade and burst out in tears. 

"Ding, Dong" Her doorbell rang. Olivia glanced at her phone once more and realized it was 5:32 pm. "Damn how long was my shower." Liv was washing her wrists as gently as possible as the cuts were fresh and painful. She changed clothes and put all her 'supplies' under the sink. The person knocking was becoming more impatient the longer they were there. "Why won't they stop knocking damn my fucking head hurts?" As she approached the door and looked through the peep hole on the door she then realized it was her partner El. 

"Damn El, a little impatient aren't we? Why are you here?" 

"I wanted to come and check on you after the events that took place yesterday and today. I told you earlier before you left but I don't think you heard me. Can I come in it's freaking freezing out here?"

"Sure El why is it necessary for you to come over and check on me? I'm fine."

"I don't know Liv it just seemed like something was off before you left and a lot of stuff has happened these past two day. I wanted to make sure you were ok."

"I'm gonna order some pizza, Hawaiian sound good to you?"

"Of course Liv you know exactly what I like."

Liv ordered the pizza and they both stuffed their faces full of pizza and they started talking about anything and everything. But Elliot could notice something was up. "It just pains me to see such a beautiful woman on the inside and out so sad." El thought to himself. Soon after that Elliot had to leave and Olivia had completely forgot about what happened in her bathroom earlier that day, until El was walking out the door and gave her a hug. 

"OWWWW!!!" She yelped.

"Oh my gosh Olivia what happened?"

"Ummm.. you stepped on my toe but I'm ok. Bye El see you tomorrow."

"Ok Olivia but always remember I'm here for you anytime you need me, day or night."

Once he walked out the door he was thinking "She normally doesn't scream she has a high pain tolerance. Why did she scream today? Something is definitely wrong with her."

After Elliot walked out the door Olivia said aloud to herself "I wonder if he thinks something is up?"

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