Chapter 7

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 Everything was pitch black. She awoke to be wrapped in a tarp riding in the floorboard of a car. William was sitting in the driver's seat singing a song. "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine you make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."

Olivia dare not speak as she was afraid of the consequences. Just about that time Lewis looked back and saw that Olivia was awake. "Damn it, he knows I'm awake." She didn't have enough time to close her eyes before he looked back. "Good morning Olivia."

"Lewis where are we going?"

"If I tell you where were going then it won't be a surprise now go back to sleep." Lewis said as her rubbed a cloth soaked in chloroform over her mouth. Sleep soon consumed Olivia. The next time she woke up she was in a warehouse tied to a metal table, she looked around and saw a young blonde girl no older than 11. She makes sure Lewis isn't in the room before she starts yelling at the girl to wake up. The girl starts to wake up and starts trying to get out of the rope in which her arms are bound above her head."Hey honey, My name is Olivia and I'm a detective for the New York Police Department Special Victims Unit. The guy who kidnapped me and you his name is William Lewis and he escaped from prison. What's your name?"

"My name is Rose and I'm 11 years old. Why did he kidnap me though he doesn't even know me." The young girl replied barely above a whisper as tears started streaming from her eyes.

"Rose? We will be okay I promise you that and we will get out of here and my team will put him away for a long time, and you can go back home  to your mommy. Okay?"

Rose  started bawling after Olivia finished her sentence. "Lewis killed my mom and sister I don't have anyone to go home to."

"Oh Rose I'm so sorry I didn't know. When we get out of here you can stay with me. How does that sound?"

"He's coming Olivia."

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